有的人问到,在国外的影片或训练中,会看到有人在进行槓铃“卧推(Bench Press)”,槓铃会套住弹力绳,这有何的目的呢?若有看过“引体向上不再是梦,六周的训练计划!”的文章,或许你能判断出目的,也能回答,为什么不直接加上槓片就好!?


    Power and Olympic lifting with bands offer an ascending resistance throughout your entire range of motion, providing a synergistic relationship with your muscles. As your muscles contract and exert force, the bands stretch farther and the resistance is increased.

    (译:在进行爆发力及奥林匹克举重的训练时,弹力绳在整个动作范围中提供一个上升的阻力(Acending Resistance),对于肌肉提供一个加成作用。当你的肌肉进行收缩及发力时,弹力带伸展的更长,阻力增加就更大。)

    At your weakest point, generally at starting position, the bands offer minimal resistance to help you get over the “sticking point” (ex: the lowest point of a squat or bench press). Then, as you extend through your rep, the powerlifting band’s tension increases incrementally, allowing for optimal muscle strengthening efficiency unachievable by the simply force of gravity.

    (译:在你最虚弱的点,一般是在你的起始位置,弹力带所造成的阻力是最小的,有助于你克服这“障碍点(Sticking Point)”,例如“在深蹲或卧推的最低点”。然后,当突破该点时,弹力带的张力(阻力)亦开始增加,予许达到最佳肌肉训练的效率。)


