Valslide是好莱坞女明星Nicole Scherzinger、Jennifer Garner、Benico Del Toro、维多利亚的秘密模特儿Erin等用来雕塑腹部、腿型的工具。它是由美国知名训练员Valerie Waters所发明的。先来看一下,Nicole Sherzinger最喜欢的动作的教学:

    Valslide着地的一面是光滑表面的塑胶材质,而另一面是软垫泡棉材质。训练的方式是将您的双手或双脚放置在Valslide上,透过身体重量,藉由各式的动作Slide Lunge、Reverse Lunge、Mountain Climber、Plank、Leg Curl、Push Ups等,模拟滑板(Slideboard)的动作,来训练身体的核心肌力平衡感,而Valslide这类的器材也经常出现在MLB、NBA、NFL等美国职业运动联盟的季前训练,像是王建民在费雪训练中心,也使用到了这类的器材。

    Valslide商品,官网一组是29.99美金(美国境内运费为6.95美金),但对于一般硬质地板的使用人士来说,需要再购买Booties(绒布材质)的套子(4.99美金),方便Valslide可以在硬质的地板上做滑行。不过你也可以不买Valslide,还有很多替代的方式,请参考“Valslide 滑盘替代品(EZ Slider、Gliding Discs及抹布)”。


    Workout Part 1 [影片影片]

    1. Alternating Reverse Lunges for the butt(臀部) and inner thighs(大腿内侧)
    2. “Hang On” Alternating Side Lunges for the butt and inner thighs
    3. Alternating Floor Leg Curls isolating the hamstrings(腘旁肌)
    4. “Push-Up Position” Butt Squeezers for the butt!

    Workout Part 2[影片影片]

    1. Mountain Climbers – working the abs and I feel it hits the obliques (side abs侧腹) a bit as well.
    2. Tucks – great for triceps(肱三头肌), core(核心) and tests your cardiovascular fitness(心肺适能).
    3. great for the tummy – go SLOW on the way down (called the negative portion) which has been shown to tighten the muscle even more than the positive portion of the movement.

    Workout Part 3[影片影片]

    1. Around the Worlds
    2. Reverse Alternating Bicycles
    3. Double Leg Reverse Alternating Bicycles

    最后送上NBA球星Dwyane Wade的训练啰影片[All Access: Dwyane Wade's WorkoutAll Access: Dwyane Wade's Workout]!他脚上是穿Booties再搭配滑板来训练,这种训练看似简单,但Wade也说这种训练是一种"Killer“。

