在上瑜珈课时,在进行勇式(Warrior Pose)的动作时,老师应该会特别提醒,膝盖记得对准第二根脚趾头(上图左),对吗?这时候你对着镜子开始调膝盖。而你有认真注意过,你的膝盖是内倾(上图右)还是外倾(上图左)呢?而这又代表什么原因呢?花个时间来看看Yoga Journal的介绍啰。

    2005年12月的Yoga Journal

    Few poses beat Warrior Pose Ⅱ at strengthening your hips and thighs. As you might guess from the way your legs burn in a long Warrior Ⅱ, the pose strongly works your quadriceps muscle, which make up the front of your thighs. But Warrior Ⅱ is not just about strength: It can also correct a common misalignment that can lead to many knee problems.


    To see if you have this misalignment, stand barelegged in front of a mirror. If your alignment is healthy, your kneecaps will point straight out over the middle of your feet. But you may find that your thighbone rotates inward in relation to your shinbone and that your kneecap points slightly inward, too. This position is bad news: It torques your knee, putting uneven pressure on the cartilage and straining the supporting ligaments and tendons every time your bend it.


    ■ ALIGNMENT FIRST (先解决偏位问题:放松髋内收肌群!)

    Whenever you hear a yoga teacher say, “As you bend your knee, point your kneecap directly toward your middle toe," she’s reminding you to stabilize your thighbone and knee in healthy alignment. But that’s often easier said than done. Even if your alignment is fine when you’re standing with straight legs, you may collapse your front knee inward when you come into Warrior Ⅱ


    To correct this misalignment, you need to focus on two actions in Warrior Ⅱ. The first is stretching your hip adductors. This large muscle group, which fills your inner thighs and pulls your knees toward each other, includes the pectineus, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and gracilis.


    Practice this pose lying on your back: Lie perpendicular to a wall, with your feet on the wall and your knees and hip each bent to 90 degrees, as tough you were sitting on a chair that had tipped over backward.Then open your knees to the sides and move your feet farther apart so your shines remain perpendicular to the wall and parallel to the floor. Stay in this position for four or five breathes and allow your inner thighs to relax and stretch.

    ( 第一动作:躺在地上,与墙面垂直,脚踩在墙面上,膝盖与髋关节弯曲呈现90度,想像你做在椅子上,往后倒在地上的样子。山姆伯伯有找了一个图示进行改造一下如下。)

    ( 然后慢慢的膝盖连同大腿骨、小腿骨往外打开(二脚掌的距离会愈来愈远),然后小腿骨同样的与墙面呈垂直、与地面呈水平。维持这个姿势4~5个呼吸,让大腿内侧进行放松与伸展。)


    Next, still lying on your back, create the shape of Warrior Ⅱ: Leaving your right foot where it is, straighten your left leg out to the side, turning your foot in slightly as you ground your sole on the wall. Place your left foot so that a line drawn between its arch and your right heel would be parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder height, and – voila! Warrior Ⅱ. Stay for a minute or two, and then repeat to other side.


    ■ UP AGAINST THE WALL(强化负责大腿外旋的肌群)

    The other secret to proper alignment of the bent leg is Warrior Ⅱ is engaging and strengthening the muscles that externally rotate you thigh. The main external rotators are the glutes maximus and the six deep rotators that lie underneath it – the piriformis, obturator internus, obturator externus, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, and quadratus femoris.


    To get in touch with and build these muscles, stand with your back near the wall and your feet 4 to 4.5 feet apart. Turn your left foot in slightly and your right foot out 90 degrees, parallel to the wall, and set yourself up so your right hip is touching the wall. (Don’t fore your left hip to the wall, or you’ll force your right knee out of alignment.。Watch your thigh and knee as you bend your right leg into Warrior Ⅱ。


    Make sure your right thigh is parallel to the wall and your right knee points out over the center of your right foot. Next, place a tightly rolled yoga mat between the wall and your bent knee. Pressing your knee firmly into the prop, press through your left foot, keeping your left knee straight and your left thighbone pushing back toward the wall.



