不只一位网友问到有没有运动恢复的书籍,所以山姆伯伯分享一本“The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery: Rest, Relax, and Restore for Peak Performance”,因为看到美国ESPN推荐,所以才订了这本书来看,内容是有关于运动员恢复的指南,相当的完整及详细。

    山姆伯伯有分享一些内容在网站上:[为什么运动/训练要安排恢复时间呢?]、[动态恢复(ACTIVE RECOVERY)]、[压缩腿套(加压袜)对于运动表现及恢复的探讨]、[冰疗、热疗及热交替浴浸泡疗法的目的及时机]、[睡眠不仅影响运动后的体能恢复,影响往后训练的表现],汇集了很多的文献及报告,目前并无中文翻译。


    Part I:Define and Measuring Recovery
    1. Why Recovery Matters
    2. Avoiding Overtraining
    3. Qualitative Measurements of Recovery
    4. Quantitative Measurement of Recovery
    5. Recovery from Injury and Illness

    Part Ⅱ:Recovery Techniques
    6. Active Recovery (主动恢复)
    7. Stress Reduction (减少压力)
    8. Sleep (睡眠)
    9. Nutrition and Hydration (营养及水份补充)
    10. Supplements (营养品)
    11. Cold and Heat (冰疗及热疗)
    12. Home Remedies (居家护理)
    13. Technological Aids(科技辅助)
    14. Massage(按摩)
    15. Self-Massage (自我按摩)
    16. Restorative Yoga (修复瑜珈)
    17. Meditation and Breathing (冥想及呼吸)

    Part Ⅲ: Recovery Protocols
    18. Putting It Together (整合上述)
    19. Recovery from Short-Distance Training and Racing (短距离训练及比赛的恢复方式)
    20. Recovery from Long-Distance Training and Racing (长距离训练及比赛的恢复方式)

    Appendix A: Returning to Training
    Appendix B: Days to Recovery
    References and Further Reading

    而另一本“The Athlete’s Guide to Yoga: An Integrated Approach to Strength, Flexibility, & Focus(运动员的瑜珈指南:整合肌力、柔软度及专注力)”,在瑜珈主题上的探讨比较少,丰富的图片及简短的文字,也是一本不错的参考书籍。

