核心肌群力量训练核心肌群是什么 核心肌群力量训练核心肌群是什么


    先前谈到了“何谓核心肌群”、“Drawing-In(缩紧腹部)”及“Bracing(绷紧)”,然而要如何设计一个核心训练的菜单呢?在“NASM Essential Personal Fitness Training”书上接着有提到,以NASM Optimum Performance Training(OPT)的模型,循序的设计训练的内容。


    ■ 设计一个核心训练的计划(Designing a Core Training Program )

    The goal of core training is to develop optimal levels of neuromuscular efficiency, stability (intervertebral and lumbopelvic stability—local and global stabilization systems), and functional strength (movement system).


    Neural adaptations become the focus of the program instead of striving for absolute strength gains. Increasing proprioceptive demand by using a multisensory environment and using multiple modalities (balls, bands, and balance equipment) is more important than increasing the external resistance. The quality of movement should be stressed over quantity, and the focus of the program should be on function.



    1. Intervertebral stability (椎间盘稳定度)
    2. Lumbopelvic stability (腰椎骨盆稳定度)
    3. Movement efficiency (动作效率)


    一. 稳定度(Stabilization)

    In core-stabilization training (Phase 1), exercises involve little motion through the spine and pelvis. These exercises are designed to improve neuromuscular efficiency and intervertebral stability, focusing on drawing-in and then bracing during the exercises . The client would traditionally spend 4 weeks at this level of core training.

    (在第一阶段核心稳定度的训练,动作上是从嵴椎与骨盆之间进行小范围的移动,改善神经肌肉的效率及 椎间盘的稳定度,将焦点放在动作时的“Drawing-in”及“Bracing”。一般来说,这个阶段的训练需要花4个星期的时间。)

    动作的范例有.. [Marching]、[Floor bridge(桥式)]、[Floor prone cobra]及[Prone iso-ab (Plank(棒式)]。

    二. 核心力量(Core Strength)

    In core-strength training (Phases 2, 3, and 4), the exercises involve more dynamic eccentric and concentric movements of the spine throughout a full range of motion while clients perform the activation techniques learned in core-stabilization training (drawing-in and bracing).


    The specificity, speed, and neural demands are also progressed in this level. Clients would traditionally spend 4 weeks at this level of core training. These exercises are designed to improve dynamic stabilization, concentric strength (force production), eccentric strength (force reduction), and neuromuscular efficiency of the entire kinetic chain.

    ( 在这个阶段中,动作细腻度、速度及肌肉神经的要求也会提高。客户会花4周的时间在这个阶段的训练中。而这阶段动作的设计会改善束整体动力鍊的动态稳定度、向心肌力(发力)、离心肌力(力量缩减)及肌肉神经的效率。)

    动作的范例有..[Ball Crunch]、 [Back Extensions]、[Reverse Crunch]及[Cable Rotations]。

    三. 核心爆发力(Core Power)

    In core-power training (Phase 5), exercises are designed to improve the rate of force production of the core musculature. These forms of exercise prepare an individual to dynamically stabilize and generate force at more functionally applicable speeds.


    动作的范例有..[Rotation Chest Pass]、[Ball medicine ball pullover throw]、[Front medicine ball oblique throw]及[Soccer throw]。



