《铁人三项训练圣经》的作者乔福瑞在Triathlon Science这本编着中以科学的角度回答了这个问题:

    游泳选手最常发生的运动伤害部位莫过于肩膀,而训练强度、训练量和距离的上升是受伤的主因。因为肩膀是拥有一个浅篮状凹槽–肩盂腔(glenoid cavity)和球状的肱骨头(humeral head)所组成,被称为肩盂肱骨关节(glenohumeral joint),这个关节的两个结构彼此大小不相配,较大的肱骨总是只有1/3的肩盂所包覆,所以肩关节比实际人体其他关节的活动角度都还来得大,但也因此造成肩膀容易因为重复性的压力而受伤。平均而言,竞赛型的游泳选手一个礼拜大约游6万到8万公尺。以每游25公尺需要划水8到10次来计算,每边肩膀一个礼拜需要转动3万次。虽然此训练量可能比大多数的铁人三项选手还来得多,但若能了解发生在肩膀上有多少次动作,便能帮助我们想像出为何游泳选手那么容易因过度使用肩膀而造成运动伤害。


    肩旋转肌肌腱炎 (rotator cuff tendinitis or tendinosis)

    滑囊炎( bursitis)

    肱二头肌肌腱长头肌腱炎(long head of the biceps tendinitis or tendinosis,







    除了按照适当的游泳动作指导,运动选手应该要增强嵴椎活动性和保持良好的旋转轴肌(rotator cuff) 和肩膀的稳定力量。











    以上译文与图片摘自:Joe Friel,Jim Vance, editors (2013). Triathlon science.,462, 463, 464. United States of America: Human Kinetics.,下面为原文:

    Shoulder Injuries

    Shoulder injuries are the most common injury among swimmers, typically resulting from increases in training intensity, volume, and distance. Because the shoulder is a ball-and-socket(glenohumeral) joint with a shallow socket and relatively large ball, it allows tremendous range of motion. This degree of mobility permits the shoulder to perform more movement than virtually any other joint, but it also makes the shoulder prone to breakdown under repeated stress. The average competitive swimmer swims approximately 60,000 to 80,000 meters per week. With a typical count of 8 to 10 strokes per 25-meter lap, each shoulder performs 30,000 rotations each week. Although this training volume may be more than the typical triathlete performs, an understanding of how much movement is occurring in the shoulder is helpful in creating a picturte of why it is so susceptible to overuse injury.

    The most common swimming-related injury is describled as impingement syndrome(generlized diagnosis that may include rotator cuff tendinitis or tendinosis, bursitis, long head of the biceps tendinitis or tendinosis, and so on) and presents as pain with overhead activity, pain at water entry or catch phase, and inability to sleep on the affected side.

    Typically, these injuries are biomechanical in nature and can be addressed by modifying stroke pattern or in some cases by correcting the athlete’s biomechanical restrictions. When dealing with an injured shoulder the triathlete should avoid the use of paddles and kickboards. Contributors to shoulder injury in the swim stroke are hand entry crossing midline, thumb down entry, asymmetric body roll, and unilateral breathing. Besids obtaining proper swim stroke instuction, the triathlete need to increase spinal mobility and maintain good rotator cuff and scapular stabilizer strength. The following three exercises before or after each swim session can be helpful.

    Thoracic Extension Half Foam

    Place the foam roll perpendicular to your midback. Extend your spine over the foam roll and lift both arms above your head. Hold for 1 minute and repeat three to five time, moving the foam roller to higher segments of your thoratic spine.

    Rotatot Cuff Strengthening

    Position 1:Squzzse the towel roll down with the elbow and keep the elbow at 90 degrees at all times. Position 2: Lift your hand while squeezing the towel roll and not moving the shoulder back. Slowly lower back to the starting position.

    TS on a Physioball

    Place your hips and core onto a physiball and place your feet on the ground for balance. Look at the ground to protect your neck. Keep your shoulders from rising up toward your ears. Concentrate on squeezing your shoulder blades together. Keep your thumbs facing the ceiling.




    因为当我们肩膀柔软度增强时,便能更流畅地作出划水的动作,并且减少肩膀因为动作受限( biomechanical restrictions)而造成的韧带损伤。


    萤幕截图 2014-10-10 15.12.39

    萤幕截图 2014-10-10 15.12.53

    (摘自DK Publishing:《运动伤害图解圣经》,台北市:旗标,2012,页72)


    图片来源:Triathlon Science


