桥式(Bridge)是瑜伽或是训练中很常见的动作,但不是把臀部推的愈高愈好,而是让肩膀至膝盖保持直线,收缩臀肌,放松大腿后侧的肌肉。但常见的问题可能在于髋关节推太高,而造成背部的过度伸展(拱背),在ACE网站的"Glute Bridge“文章中有特别的提醒,而单脚屈膝桥式可能更会发生背部过度伸展的状况。

在《Anatomy for Runners》中有看到了一个“Knee to chest bridge”的动作,书上是这样介绍的:

Improve glute max recruitment while eliminating the change of arching the spine. Pull in your right knee, holding it against your chest. Keeping your head and shoulder blades on the floor, push up with left leg into a bridge position while keeping your right leg against you. Push up, keeping the pelvis level, then lower yourself down.


这个动作亦称为“Cook Bridge”或是“Cook hip lift”,在Core Connections: The Bridge也有看到关于这个动作的介绍:

The Cook Bridge involves hugging one knee to the chest and then lifting the hips and pelvis, perhaps just a few inches. By hugging the knee in toward the chest we limit lumbar extension and demand that the gluteus initiate hip extension rather than the low back. The Cook lift keeps the lumbar spine in neutral (a hallmark of core training) and isolates the glutes.

(将膝盖抱往胸口的方式,限制腰椎延展,并且要求臀肌来启动髋关节进行延展动作。此外,Cook lift可以保持嵴椎的中正并且独立出臀肌来进行训练。)



