之前写了“深蹲时,脚掌朝前,有这么重要吗?”与“完美深蹲的祕密 – 比肩宽更宽的步距”的文章,有人曾问过,到底训练时,双脚的距离是要更宽一点,还是与肩同宽呢?来看看物理治疗师Kelly Starrett在他写的新书“Becoming a Supple Leopard(变成一隻柔软的豹)”中的介绍。

    书上第82页有提到深蹲的观念,其中谈到“Squat Stance (深蹲的步距)”,其原文如下:

    If you are trying to break 1200 pounds for the squat, a wide stance is the ticket. It will allow you to keep your torso upright and squat the equivalent of a Volkswagen. But if you’re using the squat as an exercise to improve health and athletic performance, you need a stance that expresses a full range-of-motion, reveals problem, and transfer to other athletic movements.


    For most people, positioning their feet just outside the shoulders will accomplish that goal. This all-purpose squat stance has universality in sports – think of the ready position of linebacker, a tennis player, or a fighter’s combat stance.

    (译:对于大部份的人来说,他们足部的距离是在肩膀的外侧,这种通用型的步距(All-purpose squat stance)在运动是十分常见,像是美式足球线卫、网球选手、格斗选手的准备姿势。)

    From this same position you can tackle more advanced exercise – the front squat, overhead squat, and Olympic lifts – without having to adjust your feet. Remember the Miyamoto Musashi quote that I referenced in the introduction to this book: “Make your fight stance your everyday stance, make your everyday stance your fight stance."

    (译:在通用型的步距姿势,可以在进行更多进阶的动作下(Front Squat、Overhead Squat或是奥运匹克挺举),不用调整脚步的距离。宫本 武蔵说过一句话“Make your fight stance your everyday stance, make your everyday stance your fight stance.”。)

    Establish a squat stance that best fits your goal as an athlete and allows you to practice good form. Personally, I mostly use an all-purpose stance, but on occasion experiment with a wide stance to throttle the stimulus.



