有网友说到,运动后静态伸展与Foam Roller 按摩滚轮进行SMR肌筋膜放松(Self Myofascial Release),何者先进行比较恰当呢?这个在"NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training“这本书中提到,先进行SMR再进行伸展的动作。

在书上第151页有到三种“Flexibility Type”:

■ Corrective Flexibility = SMR + Static
Ex: Foam roll + Static adductor stretch

■ Active Flexibility = SMR + Active-isolated
Ex: Foam roll + Active adductor stretch

■ Functional Flexibility = SMR + Dynamic
Ex: Foam Roll + Side lunge

最关心的是所谓的“Corrective Flexibility”,而它的目的到底是什么呢?在Sharecare上面有一位NASM Elite Trainer是这样介绍的:

Corrective flexibility is bringing muscles back into proper length. With muscular imbalances, one set of muscles become tight while the opposing muscle group become overly stretched causing weakness in both.

Over time, the tight muscle begins pulling on the joints it’s connected to and can pull it out of alignment. So this type of flexibility corrects muscle imbalances, increases your range of motion, decreases excessive tension on the muscles, relieves joint stress.

At the same time improving neuromuscular efficiency and function and maintaining a normal functional length of the muscles. Wow, what a tension release!

(Corrective Flexibility目的是将僵紧的肌肉恢复到适当的长度、改善活动范围、减少肌肉过度的紧绷、释放关节的压力,同时改善神经肌肉的效率及功能。)

SMR肌筋膜放松的原理是藉由刺激神经感觉的接受器(Neural Sensory Receptors)来达到肌肉的放松的目的,而接着再进行静态伸展,除了有让肌肉进行放松、减少紧绷的状况外,也让不断受到刺激的神经获得纾缓。

因此运动过后,进行完Foam Roller按压之后,再搭配伸展的动作。全部做完之后,记得起身动一动走一走,让血液循环一下啰。


