New York Times 21日有题为 “In Study, Distance Running Is Tied to Skin Cancer Risk” “In Study, Distance Running Is Tied to Skin Cancer Risk” 的报道,引述一项初步研究,指在阳光下长时间跑步会增加患皮肤癌的机会,并会削弱身体的扺抗力,使跑手在跑步后容易患上呼吸道疾病 (upper respiratory tract infections)。

容易患上皮肤癌的原因尚未清楚,但负责研究的医生表示跑步时受伤会使身体产生某种细胞因子 (cytokines)和蛋白质,增加免疫细胞的生长和活动,结果导致免疫细胞无暇对付皮肤癌的来袭。报道引述 the Medical University of Graz in Austria 的研究人员说:

The exact mechanism is unknown, but there is evidence that trauma sustained during extreme exercise can induce the release of cytokines, proteins that can stimulate the growth and activity of various immune cells and that may limit the ability of the immune system to fight potential cancers.

研究人员又说, 在烈下日做运动比进行其他活动对皮肤造成较大的伤害,因为汗水会增加皮肤对紫外綫幅射的敏感度:

Physical exercise on sunny days can be more harmful to the skin than other kinds of sun exposure, the authors suggest, because sweating may significantly increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation, making sunburn more likely. Moisture on the skin reduces the UV light to shorter wavelengths that are more easily absorbed and decreases their reflection and dispersion.

Dr. Ambros-Rudolph [lead author of the report] emphasized that the main problem, for both casual runners and extreme exercisers, is sun exposure.

“We hear a lot about sun exposure and skin cancer,” she said. “But we forget about it when participating in outdoor sports. Sunscreen alone is not the ultimate answer. It’s also important to wear reasonable gear that covers the shoulders and upper back, and to avoid training in peak sun hours.”



作者:Paul Cheung
