
强而有力的呼吸能改变您的身体运作,可以尝试在运动前/后练习呼吸,将一手放置在胸口上,另一隻手放在腹部上,透过鼻吸嘴吐的方式来进行呼吸,而当吸气时,腹部应该先上升,接着才是胸口。而你可以把腹式呼吸(abdominal breathing techniques)整合在你的热身之中,有助提升身体运作的效率;在收操时,也可以透过呼吸来缓和心灵。




The Buteyko Method teaches you how to bring your breathing volume back toward normal or, in other words, to reverse what’s called chronic hyperventilation(慢性换气过度) or chronic overbreathing(慢性过度换气).

One of the most important aspects of proper breathing is breathing through your nose. Part of the benefits of nose breathing is related to the fact that there is nitric oxide(一氧化氮) in your nose, and when you breathe through your nose, you carry a small amount of this beneficial gas into your lungs.

Nitric oxide not only helps maintain homeostasis(体内平衡), or balance, within your body, it’s also a bronchodilator(支气管扩张剂)and vasodilator(血管舒张), and has antibacterial(抗菌) properties that helps neutralize germs(微生物) and bacteria(细菌).

Nose breathing also helps normalize your breath volume. This is important because when you chronically overbreathe, the heavier breathing volume that’s coming into your lungs can cause a disturbance of blood gasses, including the loss of carbon dioxide (CO2).



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