在CrossFit社群知名的物理治疗师Kelly Starrett出了新书“Becoming a Supple Leopard(变成一隻柔软的豹)”,山姆伯伯最好奇的就是他提的“肌肉动力学(Muscle Dynamics)”,在他许多的影片中会看到他利用弹力带搭配伸展动作来进行动作矫正,但目的为何?直接来看书上第212页,他怎么说。

Kelly Starrett在诊断患者或是运动员,会依序的进行灵活度的确认,清单如下:

1. Joint mechanics
2. Sliding-surface dysfunction
3. Muscle dynamics

在修正运动控制- 位置(Motor Control-Position)或动作误差-关节囊限制(Movement Error-Clear)及回复滑动面太紧的组织,使其回复其正常的活动范围,这过程中没做任何伸展事情。这伸展的事情就放在最后“肌肉动力学”的步骤上。


Muscle dynamics is not stretching as I’ve classified it. We’re not just putting the tissue to end-range and hanging out for a while, hoping that something changes. Rather, we’re using an active model - applying tension at end-range – to help facilitate change in the tissue and restore some muscle contraction. 


And, more important, we’re always biasing or emphasizing positions that look like the positions we’re trying to correct. If you’re restricted in the bottom of the squat, you want to mobilize in a position that looks like the bottom of the squat.


(When possible, always mobilize in a shape that closely resembles the position you’re trying to change.)

The muscle dynamics system is how we lengthen muscles or increase range-of-motion for athletes who need to get into extreme positions, like dancers, gymnasts, and martial artists. )


Don’t confuse this with growing new muscle. I say this because I’ve seen people fall into the trap of thinking that they can grow new muscle by stretching. The fastest way to grow or lengthen muscle is to perform full-range loaded movements. If your hamstrings are “tight" for example, deadlifting and squatting will not only stimulate hamstring growth, but also build motor-control and strength at new end-ranges.


When you restore range or function to the joint or tissue, you need to reflect that change back into your motor-control program. If you improve your overhead shoulder range-of-motion by 5 percent, and you use it in the gym, you will more than likely retain that range of motion. It’s not a mysterious process.


When muscles are working within limited ranges of motion they become functionally short. Consider an elite cyclist who spends half of his day on a bike. His ankles are locked in a neutral position and his hips are stuck in a closed position.


By the time he gets off his bike after a long ride, his muscle have adapted to that working position. This is where muscle dynamics and methods like contract and relax - forcing tissue to end-range, contracting the muscle, and then relaxing to get a little bit more range – fit into our paradigm of solving problem.


If you’re stuck in a car for two hours, undoing the sitting by spending some time at end-range hip extension (using the contract and relax model) to restore normal length to the tissue is the way to go. That doesn’t mean hanging out in a static position but actively oscillating in and out of end-range tension and using a band to approximate our hip into a good position.

(如果坐在车里面2小时(髋关节一直呈现髋屈"Hip Flexion"状态),花点时间在髋伸(Hip Extension)的最终范围(进行收缩然后放松),来抵消坐时对组织的影响,以回复组织原本的正常长度。这并不是意思味处在一个静止的位置,藉由弹力带使其髋关节在一位良好的位置下,主动调动其最终范围。)

My rule of thumb is to prioritize motor-control, joint capsule, and sliding surfaces before training, and to save some of the muscle dynamic end-range mobilization techniques for after training.  This way, you’re warmed up and your tissues are prepped for the mobility work. We hear athletes say that they are afraid of stretching before they work out, and that’s a reasonable fear. In fact, static end-range splits before you squat heavy in probably not a good idea.


经过他的解释,山姆伯伯终于慢慢开始解惑了。若你比较少注意Kelly Starrett的教练或影片,可能不了解他在说什么,因为没有动作说明,很难联想在一起,对吧!没关係,跟着山姆伯伯继续看下去啰。

