上一篇提到“开始训练的第一步,缩紧腹部!”,接下来,当你在进行棒式(Plank)时,教练可能同时也会要求你臀大肌、大腿、上半身等全身的肌群同时缩紧,这到底是什么原因呢?“NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training”书中有讲到“bracing (绷紧)”,一起来看一看啰。

原因其实跟上一篇的“DRAWING-IN MANEUVER”是一样的,不过到底什么是“Bracing (绷紧)”呢?书中的介绍:

Bracing is referred to as a co-contraction of global muscles, such as the rectus abdominis, external obliques, and quadratus lumborum. Bracing is also commonly referred to as a “bearing down” or tightening of the global muscles by consciously contracting them.

( 绷紧被称为全面肌肉的共同收缩,像是腹直肌、腹外斜肌、腰方肌,以有意识的收缩/紧绷全面的肌肉群。)

Research has shown that muscular endurance of global and local musculature, when contracted together; create the most benefit for those with LBP compared with traditional LBP training methods. Bracing focuses on global trunk stability, not on segmental vertebral stability, meaning that the global muscles, given the proper endurance training, will work to stabilize the spine.

( 研究显示,在全面肌肉与局部肌肉一起进行收缩时,相较于传统的下背疼痛训练的方法,肌耐力会获得最大的受益。绷紧是将焦点放在全面的躯干的稳定度上,而不是片段的嵴椎稳定度。)

