不管是GRID专利按摩滚轮或是The Stick舒活棒,按压可以增加血液循环、减少肌肉的僵紧与肿胀、增加肌肉恢复的时间等,但有没有想过,按压的方向是往心臟的方向或是往四肢末端的方向呢?“往心臟的方向”!

    在“Massage Therapy”文章的"Improved circulation and increased blood flow"中有提到:

    When massaging, the therapist always moves in the direction of the heart; which is in the direction of circulation. This method works with the tiny veins that help move the blood towards the heart.

    These tiny veins have valves that prevent the blood from “back flowing". It could be potentially harmful to massage away from the heart, thereby forcing the blood to flow pushing against these valves. Back flowing of the blood into these veins can cause the blood to pool thus producing varicose veins.

    Massage warms the surface of the body by promoting circulation and delivering fresh oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissue.

    治疗师在进行按摩时,会往心臟的方向进行,有助于细微静脉中的血液往心臟方向移动。静脉中的阀门(Valves)可以防止血液的倒流,但若按摩的方式是逺离心臟的,造成血液推挤阀门的状况,会导致在静脉中产生血池,产生静脉曲张(Varicose Veins)的状况。此外,按摩可以增加身体表面的温度,促进血液循环,带给肌肉组织新鲜的氧气及养份。


