

以下为Swim Smooth网站中提到的CSS训练法,文中针对游泳详细解释了强度训练的方式,以及普遍选手对强度训练的迷失,让我们来看看以下文章的重点吧!!


Swim Smooth认为任何游泳训练计画都要平衡三个元素:“技术”、“体能”与“开放水域的游泳技巧”,每个训练计画都应包括这三个要素,但每个人的训练量会有所调整。你想必很担心这其中的关係吧?你需要来看看“训练计画”(training plans)。










CSS是“临界游泳速度”(Critical Swim Speed)的缩写,这是一个逼近你乳酸阈值的游泳速度,你可以在几次的游泳测试中测量出来(不需要採血仪器的参与,只需要监控时间),这不是一个完整准确的值,但每100M的误差能在一秒之内。





CSS Caculator.GIF






我们通常都建议每4-6周就测量 400M+200M一次,如果训练结果顺利,每四周做一次的检测,你就会发现你的能力获得提升,接着你就必须在CSS课表中在将自己的速度配速提高。





不相信以上的说法吗? 把游泳训练当作重量训练来看看。假如你想要增加卧举的最大肌力,你想要将目标放在举起60KG上,但目前的你只能举起50KG的重量,能力无法负荷60KG,训练时做点45-50公斤的重量来让身体适应及提升,给身体施点压力藉以提醒它去适应你目前身体能负荷的极限值。


来点改变吧!! 尝试做四周的CSS训练吧!四周后你会发现你的速度提升了,开始做CSS训练吧,他就是有这种魔力!!




原文出处:Training for Swimming – Maximise Your Speed With CSS / Threshold Work

参考资料:Paul Newsome and Adam Young, Swim Smooth, Chapter 27, Wiley Nautical, 2012


看完文中所叙述的,了解CSS训练法的重要性,可以从中了解,与丹尼尔博士在《丹尼尔博士跑步方程式》(Daniels’ Running Formula)中一直强调的T配速的概念相符。这让我们知道在训练当中,不只要随时监控着强度不要过高,还要在训练课程中安排“无氧阈值”和“短距离冲刺”训练,其实这些训练对于一位想要力求进步的铁人三项选手来说,要完成这些训练并不难,只需要几次的尝试,把自己的配速感抓到,再配合稳定的练习要达到自己要求的秒数可说是手到擒来。


Your swimming week

Swim Smooth believe that every session you do should have a balance of 3 elements – technique, Fitness and open water specific training. If you are swimming three times a week we suggest you hit this sort of routine:

1x Technique orientated session

1x Endurance biased session with longer steady paced swim sets

1x Quality session working on your threshold speed

Each of those sessions will contain a little of the 3 elements technique/fitness/open water skills, but the amount of each will vary between the sessions.

Worried about getting this right? You need one of our training plans to follow!

your quality swim sets

For distance swimmers – including open water athletes and triathletes – one physiological factor is all important: your lactate threshold. If you can improve your lactate threshold speed your race speeds will improve. Your ability to sprint or work anaerobically above threshold is largely irrelevant in distance swimming and triathlon. So is your ability to lift heavy weights.

Here’s the secret: To improve your lactate threshold you want to do your quality swim sets at your current threshold pace or just below it. Many athletes make the mistake of training above lactate threshold in short sharp swim sets – that isn’t nearly as effective. We’ll explain more about getting that right below.

Lactate threshold, threshold and css

In the training and coaching world we often shorten ‘lactate threshold’ to just ‘threshold’ – it means the same thing. In a laboratory we’d measure your threshold by taking small samples of your blood as you exercise at increasing intensities and look for the characteristic kick up in blood lactate when you reach your threshold swim speed. Blood tests like that are expensive and tricky to perform in a wet environment, fortunately there is a better way to find your threshold speed. Enter CSS.

CSS is an acronym for Critical Swim Speed. It’s an approximation of your lactate threshold speed and you can find it by doing a couple of swimming tests (no blood involved – just a stopwatch!). It’s not precisely the same as lactate threshold but it will be within a couple of seconds per 100m, which is plenty accurate enough to guide your training.

test to find css

The CSS test involves two timetrial swims – a 400m and a 200m. Before attempting these swims perform a thorough warmup and a small build set to get you used to swimming fast.

Do the 400m timetrial first, it’s less likely to effect the 200m than the other way around. Recover completely between each timetrial with some easy swimming. Perform both timetrials from a push off from the wall, not a dive.

Try and pace the trials as evenly as possible, don’t start too fast and slow down. If you’re not sure get someone to take your 100m splits – they can be very revealing.

Calculate your Critical Swim Speed (think threshold speed) using the calculator:

The key point with all these sets is sustained speed with short recoveries. These are just examples, make up your own sessions to keep things interesting.Compared to how you normally train you might find the pace slightly slower but the recoveries much shorter. It’s a different sort of challenge.

CSS feels easy for the first few hundred metres but creeps up on you as the sets go on. The word ‘relentless’ probably describes it best!

the importance of pacing

When you swim CSS sets it’s important to pace things well. If you start too fast and then slow down you won’t get the same training benefit.

Try and swim each repetition at the same pace. Very often this will mean the first few hundred metres feels fairly steady – good pacing technique is an important skill to learn and is one of the key differences between amateur and elite swimmers.

retesting your css

We’d normally suggest repeating the 400+200m CSS test every 4 to 6 weeks. If things are going well then test every 4 weeks because your fitness can improve quite fast and you’ll need to increase the pace of your CSS sets.

For most triathletes we suggest training hard for 3 weeks and then taking an easier recovery week. The perfect time to repeat the CSS test is at the end of the recovery week.

don’t i need to swim faster than my threshold to improve it?

Believe it or not, no you don’t. That line of thinking comes from “I’ll train at this faster pace and my body will get used to it". That logic is flawed because the body doesn’t work like that. When you train faster than threshold you end up splitting the train effect into your anaerobic system too – which you don’t need much when you race. And you give your body a much greater recovery task after the session, which means it has less energy left over to make the fitness adaptations you are looking for. The result is that training above threshold gives you less adaptation of your threshold,not more.

Not convinced? Compare it to weight training. Say you wanted to increase your maximum bench press. You can currently lift 50kg and want to get to 60kg. You can’t go and lift 60kg – you’re not strong enough. But by doing sets at 45-50kg your body adapts and improves. To stress a body system and prompt your body to adapt you just need to approach your current limit.

Still not convinced? Take the challenge! Try it for 4 weeks, swimming one CSS session per week. Over 4 weeks you’ll notice your speeds improve as the CSS training starts to work its magic.

should i never swim above threshold then?

You certainly can include some anaerobic work and short sprints in your training – they’re good for your swimming technique in themselves: they give you a feel of the water at higher speeds and trains your nervous system to the higher forces. What we’re suggesting is you shift your big training sets away from anaerobic swimming to CSS swimming. In practise this means slowing the pace a touch and shortening the recoveries – making the speed more sustained.

So, still include some anaerobic and sprint work but reduce it and give it less importance in your swimming.


      长跑训练: //www.nduoke.com//www.nduoke.com/long-runs
        节奏跑训练: //www.nduoke.com//www.nduoke.com/tempo
