
运动后,蛋白质(或说大家比较常听的乳清蛋白)的摄取要很多吗?其实这跟你训练的型态有关:“耐力训练”或是“阻力训练”。山姆伯伯将美国ESPN推荐书籍“The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery: Rest, Relax, and Restore for Peak Performance”这本书中第九章提到有关的资讯与大家来分享啰。

关于“The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery: Rest, Relax, and Restore for Peak Performance”这本书谈论的内容,主要是“跑步”及“自行车”运动为主啰。

运动后的营养补充,不能只将焦点放在运动后的当下,而是全天候的饮食才对,所以我们先来看看每日饮食中应该注意到的重点,在书上的第80页写到“Daily Eating”:

Your best approach to recovery nutrition is , quite simply, to eat well all the time. A healthy diet, in Michael Pollan’s now-famous manifesto from In Defense of Food, is comprised of “food. Not too much. Mostly plants." A wide variety of brightly colored foods, mostly vegetables and fruits that, whenever possible, are organic and locally sourced, will provide you with most of what you need.

Prepackaged and processed foods – the bars, gels, and powdered drinks that tend to line the shelves of any athlete’s pantry – have their place, but it is a limited place and pertains to the time immediately preceding, during, and sometimes after exercise. Even then, real food is often the better option, depending on the individual’s constitution and the intensity and duration of exercise. 

For a useful book on healthy daily eating habits of athletes, see Adam Kelinson’s The Athlete’s Place : Real Food for High Performance(2009).


书中谈到的,还是以建议选择“真食物(Real Food)”。在“10种对皮肤有害的食物”有谈到“应该避免处理及包装过的食物。换句话说,食物在经过处理之后,天然酵素(Enzymes)及营养会被破坏并且流失掉,高度食用这类的食品,在营养不足的情况下,这个状况会表露于你的皮肤上。



Your diet should include a good balance of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fats). The precise proportion of each that works best depends on your constitution, sport, and activity level and must be determined individually. While we often get into a habit of eating the same thing day in and day out, and while it can be easy to have weekly schedule, variety ensures we get the most from our food.

Eating a well-rounded, natural diet will provide your body with the elements it needs to recover: carbohydrates to supply and replenish energy in the form of glycogen, protein to deliver amino acids to rebuild muscle fiber, and fats to insulate the body and carry vitamins to the cells.



Here’s a timeline for your post-workout nutrition after a long (over 90-minute) or very hard workout.

Within about 30 minutes: Consume a recovery snack to give you the carbohydrates and sodium you need; drink to your thirst. Within about two hours: Enjoy a balanced meal; drink to your thirst. For the rest of the day: Continue drinking to your thirst and eating a variety of healthy foods.


什么是“Recovery Snack(山姆伯伯暂译:恢复能量包)”:

Your recovery snack should be a mixture of fluids, sodium, carbohydrates, possibly some protein, and not too much fat. Fat can interface with your body’s ability to process the carbohydrates – and the protein – in your recovery snack.



而不晓得大家有没有听过“肝醣之窗(Glycogen Window)”,也就是运动结束后的30分钟内,补充肝醣可以获得到最大的效果,书中第82页有说到:

The carbohydrates you consume in the first 30 minutes after exercise will lead to higher glycogen levels than if you wait for two hours after the workout to begin eating again (Ivy et al. 1998). For this reason, we often hear about a “glycogen window," in which we have to take in our recovery snack for maximum benefits.  And while that ‘s true, it’s not as hard and fast as some would make it seem.

The window doesn’t slam shut at 30 minutes postexercise. You have two hours after your workout when you can take in that recovery snack. But you’ ll still be replenishing glycogen depleted during a morning workout when you eat your lunch, your afternoon snack, and your dinner.

In fact, if you’re more depleted, you ‘ll still be replenishing your glycogen stores the next day. Don’t get too hung up on the 30-minute rule, but do remember to pay attention to your recovery snack after longer or intense workout when you need to recover quickly.

简译在1998年Ivy的研究结果,补充碳水化合物的时段,在运动后结束的30分钟内比起2小时后才进食,肌肉肝醣合成(Glycogen Synthesis)会更为迅速。基于这个原因,我们经常会听到肝醣之窗(Glycogen Window),我们在30分钟的时间内补充恢复能量包可以得到最大的效益。这确实是真得,但30分时间到时,这扇窗并不会立即关上,这扇窗开启有2小时的时间,这段时间你一样可以摄取恢复能量包。


山姆伯伯有查到一篇Journal of Sports Medicine的也有谈到上面的议题,直接将结论抓出来:

The restoration of muscle glycogen after depletion by exercise is a central component of the recovery process. To maximize the rate of muscle glycogen storage during short-term recovery, it is important to consume a carbohydrate supplement as soon after exercise as possible. If consuming only carbohydrate, supplementation should occur frequently, such as every 30 minutes, and provide about 1.2 to 1.5 g of carbohydrate / kg body weight / hr.


However, the efficiency of muscle glycogen storage can be increased significantly with the addition of protein to a carbohydrate supplement. This will reduce both the amount of carbohydrate and frequency of supplementation required to maximize glycogen storage.


If both carbohydrate and protein are consumed, it is recommended that 0.8 g carbohydrate·kg body wt plus 0.2 g protein·kg -1 body wt be consumed immediately and 2-hours after exercise during a 4-hour recovery period. The addition of protein to a carbohydrate supplement also has the added advantage of limiting post exercise muscle damage and promoting muscle protein accretion.

简译若同时补充碳水化合物及蛋白质时,建议每公斤体重补充[0.8公克的碳水化合物 + 0.2公克的蛋白质]。在运动结束后马上补充1次,经过2小时之后,每4小时补次一次,而加上蛋白质的优点也能限制肌肉的损坏并且帮助肌肉蛋白的合成。

Along with a rapid increase in muscle glycogen, these processes can have a significant impact on subsequent exercise performance.


而Recovery Snack(恢复能量包)到底有什么可以选呢?书上第86页有列出一些组合,其中一个大家已经知道的“巧克力牛奶”:

■ Chocolate milk (巧克力牛奶)
■ Chocolate soymile (巧克力豆浆)
■ Bagel with jam, cream cheese, peanut butter, or a slice of turkey (贝果加果酱、奶油乳酪、花生酱或一片火鸡肉)
■ Smoothie (fruit and/or vegetables belended with cow’s milk; soy, almond, or rice milk; or yogurt)
■ Fruit and yogurt (新鲜水果与优格)
■ Cereal with cow’s milk or soy, almond, or rick milk 
■ Fresh juice and a handful of nuts  (新鲜果汁及一把坚果)



While some studies have shown that protein aids in glycogen uptake, others have not supported this finding. Ryan says that the importance of protein in the recovery meal is overrated because protein doesn’t facilitate muscle glycogen recovery after endurance training. Instead, protein helps muscle build after a resistance workout. “You can add in some protein if it’s the kind of workout that could have caused some muscle breakdown," she say, “but you don’t want the protein to crowd out the carbohydrate."

简译对于耐力训练(Endurance Training)来说,蛋白质在恢复中所扮演的角色被高估了,因为蛋白质不会促进肌肉肝醣的恢复。而阻力训练(Resistance Workout)的话,蛋白质有助于肌肉的建构。

A recent study (Rowlands and Wadsworth 2011) found that female cyclists responded very differently than male cyclists when they ingested a recovery snake containing protein.

Men responded better to more protein in their recovery drink, but some women reported feeling more tired and sore when their recovery meal included a larger proportion of protein. You must find the amounts that work best for you individually.

简译Recovery Snack中的蛋白质比例要注意,男性自行车选手及女性自行车选手吸收反应不同,在Recovery饮品中将蛋白质比例增高,男性的反应佳,但有些女士感觉更加疲累而且痠痛。因此必须找出每个人适合的蛋白质比例。

在Journal of Sports Medicine说到,蛋白质有助于肌肉肝醣合成的效率的提升,但在书上的最后说到蛋白质不会促进肌肉肝醣的恢复。山姆伯伯认为,并不是蛋白质不重要,而是在耐力训练中,蛋白质的需求并不用来的这么高。以Journal of Sports Medicine文章最后的结论,碳水化合物与蛋白质的比例为“4:1”,但若你训练的型态属于阻力训练时,蛋白质的比例就需要增加。


Optimum Nutrition Performance Whey 每份含量
热量 160大卡  / 蛋白质 22 公克  / 脂肪 4 公克 / 饱和脂肪 2.5 公克 / 反式脂肪 0 公克 / 碳水化合物 9 公克 / 钠 140 毫克


