下支静脉曲张(Varicose Vein)的人,可以使用Foam Roller按摩滚轮这类器材来进行自我按摩吗?上网看了很多文章,有的写可以,还说可以改善静脉曲张的状况,但有的却写不行,直接来看Livestrong上面"About Foam Exercise Rollers“文章说的。


有骨质疏松症(Osteoporosis)的人来说,不得採用Foam Roller来进行自我按摩。
(The use of foam rollers is contraindicated for people with osteoporosis.)

若你有糖尿病(Diabetes)、癌症(Cancer)或关节炎(Arthritis),使用上要特别小心。在选择Foam Roller时,也许需要挑选密度较低的,使用时比较不会带来这么大的痠痛。
(Use with caution if you have diabetes, cancer or arthritis. Just use it as tolerated. You may need a less dense foam so it won’t hurt as much. )

根据美国国家运动医学学会NASM,对于孕妇来说,有静脉曲张或是肿胀的区域,不应该使用自我筋肌膜的按摩。此外,也应该避开腿下半部的内侧,因为会导致早产收缩(Premature Uterine Contractions)。
(According to NASM, self-myofascial release shouldn’t be used on pregnant women with varicose veins and areas of swelling. It also shouldn’t be used on the inside of the lower leg because it could cause premature uterine contractions.)


