继上一篇“[书摘] 肌肉动力学(Muscle Dynamics)”之后,再来分享书中第215页写的“Banded Flossing”,利用弹力带来产生牵开(distraction)的力量,更有效的将偏位的关节拉回原来的位置,若有关注Kelly Starrett的频道,这是他非常爱用的方法。

The easiest way to deal with muscle stiffness is to put the joint into a good position using a Rogue monster. Remember, your tissues adapt to your working positions. So if you sit all day, not only will your hip flexors become adaptively short, but the head of your femur will also move anteriorly in the hip capsule instead of remaining in the center of it, where it belongs.

(处理肌肉僵硬最简单的方式就是使用Rogue弹力带将关节放回好的位置。请记得,身体的组织会适应成你所处的姿势。所以若你坐一整天,不仅髋屈肌调适成缩短的状态,而髋关节囊(Hip Capsule)内股骨(Femur)头也跟着往前移动,偏离它原本属于的位置。)

Every time you perform deep-flexion-based movements, the head of your femur hits the edge of your acetabulum(hip socket). This is why people feel an impingement or pain in the front of the hip when they squat or mobilize in positions that close that joint.


Using Rogue monsters band create a distraction will pull the head of the femur back to the center of the capsule and effectively clear that impingement so that you can move into newly challenged ranges without discomfort.


▲上图 – By creating a lateral or posterior distraction, you can effectively clear hip impingements, allowing you to move into deeper flextion ranges, as well as account for joint capsule restriction.


The band also helps you manage joint capsule restriction. Because the joint capsule is so thick and robust, you need a little extra tension to get a stretch through it. Going back to the rubber band analogy, you need to account for the thick end of the rubber band to create an equal stretch throughout the muscle.


这是他Youtube分享的一段影片,解决髋关节撞击的状况,最后有示范Banded Flossing得方式,听不太懂没关係,加减看一下肢体动作及最后的动作说明啰。


