在脸书上有人问到上图Kendrick Perkins用的X型的阻力绳目的是什么?山姆伯伯猜测大概是赛前“核心肌群暖身”的用途。为什么会这样说呢?因为就山姆伯伯知道的状况,除了进行按摩、暖身、拉筋等,职业球员赛前的热身中会有简单的重量训练及核心肌群的训练,比方说LeBron比赛当天的准备影片影片,让他们身体能一上场就进到比赛状况。

    提供2010美国男篮代表队参加土耳其世锦赛赛前暖身的片段[Lebron James Team USA workoutLebron James Team USA workout],由Lebron James带领大家一起进行。而大家比较熟悉的NBA,若你有注意到转播时,你会发现,很多的球员在场边等待上场时,有的人会踩脚踏车,有的人则会在场边透过阻力绳来进行暖身的动作。今年由于林书豪的关係,所以转播了很多尼克队的比赛,而你应该会有印像,Baron Davis在场边也有透过弹力带来进行暖身,而以下是Baron Davis透过弹力带训练的影片:

    谈到上面影片的训练中心TERFTERFAthletic Facility,这是今年热火三巨头季前的训练中心。Wade之前是在美国STACKSTACK训练中心进行季前训练,之前NBA也有记录他在训练中心的训练内容[All Access: Dwyane Wade's WorkoutAll Access: Dwyane Wade's Workout],是由麦可乔登麦可乔登的前任训练师来操刀。

    而今年Wade、LeBron James及Chris Bosh三巨头来到了去年10才开幕的TERFTERFAthletic Facility训练中心进行季前训练,下方是Wade部份训练的内容[更多影片更多影片],也因为训练内容有别于以往,所以Wade才说真得非常不一样的训练,但确实很棒。

    而其中也用带阻力绳,在ESPN的“How Wade, Big Three stayed big in lockoutHow Wade, Big Three stayed big in lockout”文章中,有写到三巨头在TERFTERFAthletic Facility中心训练的方式。而文中有提到:

    Downs then watched game footage of Wade on YouTube in order to best construct a customized workout for him utilizing weights,resistance bandsand his Air Force-engineered balance discs that can each withstand 600 pounds of weight. Downs then molded an overall workout routine for Wade that focused on balance exercises and sports-specific exercises, many mimicking his exact movements on the court so he could improve his performance in those areas. Downs’ overall objective was to increase Wade’s power, force and acceleration.

    Wade has enjoyed the sports-specific movements the most, especially the latest one Downs incorporated only a few days ago to strengthen his spinning fadeaway moves in the post. In a criss-cross pattern,Down applied resistance bands from Wade’s right wrist to left knee and his left wrist to right knee, with bands between his ankles, in order to simulate a defender bumping him on the block.

    Downs教练透过阻力绳及其它的器材,根据其运动型态的特性(sports-specific)来设计完整的训练,也藉由阻力绳(左手连接右膝 + 右手连接左膝 + 两个脚踝连接)来摸拟防守球员的冲撞,让Wade能摸拟在比赛中经过碰撞或是投篮等状况下,增强身体的碰撞及稳定,在场上能有更强壮的身体来应该这些状 况。

    而关于这个X型的阻力带,可以用两条独立的阻力带来组合,脚踝可以加个环状拉力带。或是美国公司Core TransformerCore Transformer也有推出这样的阻力带,但最上方Kendrick Perkins用的阻力带,山姆伯伯目前还找不到啰,知道的朋友可以提供啰。

