在激烈碰撞的运动中,运动牙套除了保护牙齿(尤其门牙)之外,在下颚遇到碰撞时,运动牙套也有吸收缓冲撞力的功能。此外,全球最顶级排汗衣美国Under Armour品牌更推出运动效能的牙套(Performance Mouthguard),能让你的反应时间增加12%、肌力增加12%/17%、运动后乳酸堆积会降低25%、减低20%上撞击力道。


    而对运动员来说,肾上腺素分泌增加是一件好事,但“肾上腺皮质醇(Cortisol)”分泌过多就不是好事了!在Livestrong的网站上有一篇“The Effects Of Increased Cortisol Levels”文章。当身体处在压力下,分泌过多的肾上腺皮质醇过量时,导致蛋白质分解的速度快速,而蛋白质的流失,也会导致肌肉组织的退化。


    Under Armour推出ArmourBite™运动的牙套,可以抵抗咬牙带来的反应,保留最理想的空间,增加你提升运动的表现,而UA列出了五项的产品特质:

    • Increases Strength (增加力量)
      With improved airflow and less stress from clenching, UA Performance Mouthwear has been proven to increase strength by an average of 17% with the UA Performance Mouthpiece and 12% with the UA Performance Mouthguard.
    • Increases Endurance (增加耐力)
      UA Performance Mouthwear enlarges airway openings,resulting in 25% less lactic acid build-up after 30 minutesof intense exercise.
    • Speeds Up Reaction Time (加快反应时间)
      Athletes may respond faster when wearing UA PerformanceMouthwear. Clinical trials show an improvement in respondingto auditory cues and potential improvement in responseto visual cues.
    • Reduces Athletic Stress (减少运动的紧张/压力/疲劳感)
      Excess cortisol causes stress, fatigue and distraction.UA Performance Mouthwear decreases cortisol production,which means you feel & play better.
    • Reduces Impact (减低冲击力)
      When the jaw suffers an impact, energy can be transmittedto the head, which can cause concussion. UA PerformanceMouthguards have been shown to reduce the G-Force impactof blows to the jaw by up to 20%.


    然而在以下的影片中,由Power Pilates的创立者Dr. Howard Sichel解释,UA Performance Mouthpiece对于瑜伽及彼拉提斯上,能改善柔软度及增加活动的范围
