The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010

    The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running
    by Jason Robillard (Author), Dirk Wierenga (Editor)

    Paperback: 188 pages
    Publisher: Barefoot Running Press; 2nd edition (August 15, 2010)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0615376886
    ISBN-13: 978-0615376882

    《The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010》电子书下载地址:

    The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010.pdf

    Jason Robillard 另一本跑步书籍:

    The Barefoot Running Book: The Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard_2012


    《The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010》简介:

    The Barefoot Running Book (second edition) provides expert advice for new and experienced runners interested in making the transition to barefoot or minimalist shoe running. Why? Because runners find shedding their heavy, overly-cushioned shoes provides a more enjoyable running experience while reducing injury and allowing better form. Jason Robillard uses a combination of research, collaboration, and his own experiences to bring the latest methods for making a safe, enjoyable transition to barefoot or minimalist shoe running. This new expanded second edition includes training plans, information on ultramarathons, photos, tested running tips and helpful hints. Includes contributions from top barefoot runners and experts including Barefoot Ted McDonald, Barefoot Rick Roeber, Dr. Daniel Lieberman, Dr. Michael Nirenberg, Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, Dr. Scott Hadley, Dr. Joseph Froncioni, and many more.

    《The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010》目录:

    Why Barefoot Running?............................................................................8
    Encouraging Words from other Barefoot Runners ..........................................9
    Research Into the Relationship
    Between Athletic Shoes and Foot Injuries.....................................................13
    Understanding Basic Barefoot Running Terminology ...................................31
    The Barefoot Running Movement ................................................................31
    Is Barefoot Running a Fad?...........................................................................32
    Do I Have to Run Barefoot?.........................................................................34
    Can I Still Maintain My High Mileage and Learn
    to Run Barefoot on the Side?........................................................................37
    Minimalist Shoe Recommendations?............................................................38
    My Guiding Principles .................................................................................41
    Factors that Affect Speed of Transition..........................................................43
    Explanation of Concepts, Issues, and Activities ............................................44
    Sample Training Schedule ............................................................................45
    Concept—Feel Instead of Think...................................................................48
    Concept—Importance of Patience ..............................................................49
    Concept—Running Happy..........................................................................50
    Issue—Minimalist Shoe or Barefoot?............................................................51
    Activity—Spend Time Barefoot....................................................................52
    Concept—“Toughening” the Soles of Your Feet ...........................................53
    Activity—Barefoot Walking .........................................................................54
    Concept—Relax Like a Wet Noodle.............................................................55
    Activity—Deep Breathing for Relaxation .....................................................56
    Concept—Lift Feet ......................................................................................57
    Activity—Walk in Place Drill.......................................................................59
    Activity—Jump Drill....................................................................................60
    Activity—Marble Drill.................................................................................61
    Starting to Run Barefoot ............................................................................63
    Activity—Progressive Relaxation ..................................................................64
    Activity—Metronome Drill..........................................................................65
    Concept—Fall Forward and Keep Feet Under Body.....................................66
    Activity—Wall Drill.....................................................................................67
    Concept—Posture (Head, Torso, Arms, and Knees) .....................................68
    Issue—Terrain—Where to Start and Why....................................................70
    Activity—Run/Walk Drill ...........................................................................71
    Activity—Slow Running ..............................................................................71
    Concept—Run Like a Ninja ........................................................................72
    Issue—Handling Overly Technical Advice....................................................74
    Intermediate Barefoot Running..................................................................75
    Concept—Run Efficiently............................................................................75
    Concept—Experimentation .........................................................................77
    Activity—Fartlek Run ..................................................................................77
    Issue—Top Of the Foot Pain (TOFP) ..........................................................78
    Issue—Achilles/Calf Pain .............................................................................79
    Issue—Shin Splints ......................................................................................80
    Activity—Hills .............................................................................................80
    Concept—Varied Terrain .............................................................................83
    Activity—Debris Drill..................................................................................85
    Concept—Increasing Speed and/or Distance................................................85
    Issue—Puncture Wounds and Cuts ..............................................................87
    Ten Barefoot Running Tips ..........................................................................88
    Advanced Barefoot Running ...................................................................91
    Concept—Trail Running..............................................................................93
    Concept—Extreme Weather.........................................................................94
    Testing Human Potential............................................................................100
    Training .....................................................................................................101
    Gear ...........................................................................................................103
    Other Topics..............................................................................................105
    Dealing with “Hecklers” and Common Comebacks ...................................105
    Always Training .........................................................................................107
    Diet and Race Food....................................................................................109
    Bad Runs....................................................................................................110
    Running with Others ...........................................................................115
    The Doubtful Spouse/Partner...............................................................116
    What if I Still Have Problems Running Barefoot?.................................117
    Training Plans......................................................................................121
    5K Cheetah Plan .......................................................................................123
    10K Pronghorn Plan ............................................................................125
    Half Marathon Gazelle Plan.......................................................................127
    Marathon Hyena Plan................................................................................130
    Cross Training......................................................................................142
    The Barefoot Workout................................................................................142
    The Barefoot Workout Format ...................................................................143
    The Exercises..............................................................................................147
    My Adventures ..........................................................................................151
    Hallucination 100 Race Report..................................................................151
    Appendix ...................................................................................................174
    Barefoot & Minimalist Shoe Runners
    and Supporters You Should Know..............................................................174
    Finding Other Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Runners...............................179
    Barefoot Running Testimonials ..................................................................181
    Barefoot Resources .....................................................................................183
    Glossary .....................................................................................................184

    《The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010》 媒体评价:

    Jason Robillard is a master at teaching people the art and science of barefoot running. His book is highly motivating, and gives you the skills to go as far as you want. --Dr. Michael Nirenberg

    An invaluable guide by one of the experts in the field of barefoot and minimalist shoe running. --Dr. Joseph Froncioni

    The Barefoot Running Book is a no-nonsense approach to barefoot running recommended for anyone wanting to ditch their over-padded trainers and to learn what their feet have been "dying" to tell them! --Barefoot Rick Roeber

    An invaluable guide by one of the experts in the field of barefoot and minimalist shoe running. --Dr. Joseph Froncioni

    The Barefoot Running Book is a no-nonsense approach to barefoot running recommended for anyone wanting to ditch their over-padded trainers and to learn what their feet have been "dying" to tell them! --Barefoot Rick Roeber
    About the Author
    Jason Robillard is a leading expert on barefoot running education for novice and experienced runners. He is the owner and director of Barefoot Running University and writes for the popular Barefoot Chronicles blog. jason is also a founding member of the Barefoot Runners Society, has written articles for Ultrarunning Magazine,, and appeared on the Living Barefoot show. With over a decade of experience as a professional educator combined with his training for and running barefoot ultramarathons, Jason helps others through dynamic, hands-on barefoot running workshops and clinics. Jason has collaborated with many experts in this field- including fellow runners, researchers, and medical professionals in an effort to help advance the art and science of barefoot running. This book is a culmination of those efforts.

    《The Barefoot Running Book Second Edition: A Practical Guide to the Art and Science of Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running_Jason Robillard;Dirk Wierenga_2010》读者评论:

    I am a new runner. I've never run in a race, or run a continuous mile even. However, when I wanted to start running, I learned about barefoot running. I researched it some more and discovered it was really the route I wanted to take. I was disappointed though, that there were no books on HOW to actually learn (or maybe there are, and I just didn't find them). Yes, there are websites and forums, but the information I found was scattered all over the internet. Then this book came out. I had already been reading on Jason's website and blog, but this had everything contained in one easy-to-understand book, even for a beginner like me. It's an easy read and I appreciated the humor scattered throughout it. Although I had been attempting barefoot running prior to reading the book, I did not achieve "proper form" until I read it and implemented some of the techniques. Now I am just working on building endurance!

    When my good friend of many years recently told me about his new passion of barefoot running, to say I was skeptical would be an understatement. The whole notion seemed utterly fringe and ridiculous. Still, he recommended I read two books before making up my mind, Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and this one, The Barefoot Running Book by Jason Robilliard. Okay, I'm convinced. The idea of un-protecting my foot in order to strengthen it and prevent future injury sounds counter-intuitive. Nevertheless, the science is slowly backing up this claim. The barefoot and minimalist running movement is part rebellion against profit-seeking shoe companies, part searching for why running injuries have increased exponentially in the past 50 years, and part exploration of a different kind of natural approach to running. A simple primer argument is this: Children are encouraged to spend lots of time barefoot in order to build up their foot posture and muscles so why is the same practice discouraged once we get older? I'm a new convert to the practice so I reserve the right to change my mind down the road. So far my experiences have been exhilarating! There is an emotional connectivity to the ground that surprised me, like I used to be asleep while running.

    The book itself is very good, offering numerous tips on getting started and all the while the author constantly (and rightly) reminds you to take it slow. The how-to subject matter can easily be condensed down to half the size or more since a lot of progress in barefoot running is self-discovery, but the extra anecdotes don't diminish the book at all. His trail journal of the Hallucination 100 is an especially good coda for the book.


