The Art of Running Faster_Human Kinetics_Julian Goater;Don Melvin_2012

    TheArt of Running Faster
    by Julian Goater (Author), Don Melvin (Author)

    Paperback: 216 pages
    Publisher: Human Kinetics; 1 edition (March 9, 2012)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0736095500
    ISBN-13: 978-0736095501

    The Art of Running Faster 下载地址:

    The Art of Running Faster_Human Kinetics_Julian Goater;Don Melvin_2012.pdf

    The Art of Running Faster 简介:

    Any runner can tell you that the sport isn’t just about churning out miles day in and day out. Runners have a passion, dedication, and desire to go faster, longer, and farther. Now,The Art of Running Fasterprovides you with a new approach to running, achieving your goals and setting your personal best.

    Whether you’re old or young, new to the sport or an experienced marathoner, this guide will change how you run and the results you achieve.The Art of Running Fasterchallenges the stereotypes, removes the doubts and erases the self-imposed limitations by prescribing not only what to do but also how to do it. Inside, you will learn how to

    •overcome the obstacles that prevent you from running faster, more comfortably, and with greater focus;

    •rethink conventional training methods, listen to your body, and challenge traditional running ‘norms’;

    •customize your training program to emphasize the development of speed, strength, and stamina;

    •shift gears, reach that next level of performance, and blow past the competition.

    In this one-of-a-kind guide, former world-class runner Julian Goater shares his experiences, insights and advice for better, more efficient and faster running.

    Much more than training tips and motivational stories,The Art of Running Fasteris your guide to improved technique and optimal performance. Let Julian Goater show you a new way to run faster, farther and longer.

    The Art of Running Faster 目录:

    PART I  Building the Base  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
    1 Pushing the Limits:
    the secrets to Running Faster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
    2 Aiming true:
    every Run should Have a Purpose  . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
    3 Running With skill:
    Running technique shapes Performance  . . . . . . . 33
    4 Gearing Up for success:
    Balancing stride Length and Cadence . . . . . . . . . . 49
    5 Flexible You:
    the essentials of stretching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
    6  take a Deep Breath:
    Breathing Is Your Vital Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
    7 Going Clubbing:
    the Benefits of Running Clubs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
    PART II sharpening the Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
    8 The ups and Downs of running:
    The importance of hill Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
    9 strength in the fields:
    The Cross Country Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
    10 running round in Circles:
    speed is of the essence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
    11 ouch, That hurts!
    Preventing and recovering from injury . . . . . . . . .135
    12 All in Your head:
    Mental strategies and More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
    13 reaching Your Peak:
    Periodization and Your Best Performance . . . . . .169
    Appendix 188  index 192  About the Authors 199

    The Art of Running Faster 评价:

    “Julian Goater offers a practical approach to running, explaining not only what to do but how to do it. The Art of Running Faster is a must-have guide for becoming a better runner.” -- David Bedford, Race Director of the Virgin London Marathon

    About the Author
    Julian Goater is a former world-class runner. He has competed in numerous championships, including the World Championships, the Commonwealth Games, European Championships and World Cross Country Championships. His times for 5,000 and 10,000 meters remain among the fastest ever by a British athlete.

    Since retiring from competing, Julian has been coaching runners of all abilities. His athletes continue to achieve remarkable results by focusing on modifying their running techniques and training prescriptions. Julian has been active in road running, cross country running, duathlon and triathlon. He has won gold twice in his age group at the World Duathlon Championships, and has also won the British Triathlon in his age group. He currently lives in Surrey with his wife, Sue.

    Don Melvin is a published author, journalist and lifelong fun runner. His international assignments have included coverage of the Olympic Games in Atlanta and Athens. He has also reported on international political and social topics. Don is currently an editor and correspondent for the Associated Press and has published, under another name, numerous novels for children. A native Vermonter, he now lives in Brussels with his wife, Rodica.

    The Art of Running Faster 读者评论:

    I think that this is one of the most useful training books to appear in many, many years.

    Julian Goater is well known in the UK as one of our best ever distance runners. He was within fifteen seconds of the world 10,000m record at his best in 1982, but is perhaps best known for what may have been the most dramatic "peak race" in UK running history, when he won the National Cross Country against a top class field by almost two minutes in 1981. He's also a very smart guy, and has gone on to learn while working as a coach, sports massage therapist and world-class Masters duathlete. I've heard him speak on several occasions and had been eagerly awaiting this book, which has exceeded my expectations.

    The majority of training manuals start with some semi-academic principles of periodisation and physiology then dive into detailed schedules for different distances. This is completely different. Sets, reps and mileage figures are only a minor part of the book - indeed, the obligatory 'schedules' chapter is just five pages long, showing typical weeks from the 10-15 mile per week level up to a marathon schedule. Each of the 13 chapters covers something you can put into practice very quickly that might help you to run a bit faster. Some of the key ideas I would pick out are:

    * Attitude. Julian believes that competing is fun, exciting and natural at all levels and there are plenty of strategies to help fan the flames. Yes, it's perfectly acceptable for forty-somethings to get psyched up to outkick that teenager just in front in the local parkrun.

    Reviewed by Rob Cameron (former Scottish international and North of England Road & XC team manager)

    If there was one word that could be used to describe this book it's `accessible'. The book is written in such a manner that anyone, elite athlete, beginner, coach, aspiring coach or PE teacher could use it to support the development of any running programme.
    What I particularly liked about the book is the way Julian uses his vast experience both anecdotally and professionally to advise the reader of how to build up a programme, how to sustain performance and indeed improve performance, as well as looking at how to avoid, protect oneself from injury.
    Julian makes running fun and uses his knowledge of the art of running and the key principles of the importance of hill training and cross country tradition which I remember fondly as how I got started and introduces us to how we can begin to shape performance through running technique and the essentials of stretching.
    Throughout the book, you can glimpse the highlights or top tips; these allow the reader to succinctly put in prospective the chapters and give practical advice.
    It's refreshing to read a book which reflects my principles to running fast, as a young athlete my success was honed on many of Julian's text, particularly on the need to stretch and improve one's cadence. He does this through key points, how to and coaching points ending each chapter with a key summary.
    If you are new to running or an experienced coach you can't but see beauty in this new addition to the running library, I recommend it to anyone involved in the sport which gave such great athletes as Julian himself.
    Thanks, this is a text book I will use time and time again, as a dad (to 2 aspiring athletes), team manager and school teacher.
    Rob Cameron


