Runner's World Guide to Cross-Training_Matt Fitzgerald_2004

    Runner's World Guide to Cross-Training
    by Matt Fitzgerald (Author)

    Paperback: 256 pages
    Publisher: Rodale Books (October 15, 2004)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 1579547834
    ISBN-13: 978-1579547837

    关于作者Matt Fitzgerald更多资料见
    Matt Fitzgerald_运动营养学专家_Runner's World书籍作者-跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

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    《Runner's World Guide to Cross-Training》简介:

    How to cross-train to improve running times and prevent overuse injuries-whether you are participating in your first 10-K or competing to win a marathon or triathlon

    If you want to enjoy a long, successful life of running, it's essential to incorporate non-running activities into your training program.

    Strength exercises will keep your muscles in balance. Flexibility exercises will keep them supple. And alternative endurance activities will help heal existing injuries while preventing future ones.

    In Runner's World Guide to Cross-Training, Matt Fitzgerald-seasoned runner, triathlete, sports and fitness journalist, and online coach to runners and triathletes-tells you everything you need to know about the very best cross-training exercises for runners, from the equipment you'll have to buy to the techniques you'll have to master. In addition to strength training and flexibility exercises, he recommends the six best non-impact cardiovascular activities for runners: pool running, elliptical training, bicycling, inline skating, swimming, and cross-country skiing. The book shows how to integrate running and cross-training, and features five complete sample programs that will train you to compete in a basic 10-K, advanced 10-K/half marathon, basic marathon, advanced marathon, and triathlon.

    Until now, there hasn't been a credible cross-training book designed especially for runners. With the imprimatur of Runner's World magazine-recognized everywhere as the most authoritative source of information on the sport-this excellent guide will be welcomed by runners at every level as the book to consult for advice on this vital topic.

    About the Author
    Matt Fitzgerald is a runner, triathlete, and coach. A former editor and current contributor for Triathlete magazine, he writes articles for national publications such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Outside, Stuff, Maxim, Fitness Runner, and the Runner's World Web site; and serves as managing editor of the sports nutrition Web site Powering Muscles. He lives in San Diego.

    《Runner's World Guide to Cross-Training》读者评论:

    Cross Training has historically been the last refuge of the injured runner, something to do to maintain a modicum of fitness until the injury has healed and running can be resumed. Cross training has gained greater respect in recent years as its value in preventing injuries and developing greater fitness than is possible with merely running has been recognized. In this volume, the prolific Matt Fitzgerald, a triathlete himself, provides an in depth look at the uses and benefits of cross training. Interspersed throughout the book are 14 profiles of world class athletes, mostly runners, who have benefited from cross training. The book provides valuable information about the importance of strength training.It emphasizes the importance of maintaining balance in muscular development and identifies which muscles are most likely to suffer as the prime movers become overdeveloped.It illustrates a variety of exercises for strengthening every muscle that will contribute to running improvement. The chapter on stretching is a valuable synthesis of the different types of stretching with recommendations on what muscles and connective tissue need to be stretched and what are the most effective stretches. Included within the text are training schedules that demonstrate how to integrate cross training within a running program. This book is an important resource for any running program.

    This is an interesting book. As a runner who recently picked up training after about 20 years of (more or less) inaction, this book has brought back old skills and helped me see the importance of cross-training. At the same time it has shown me that I need to keep up my stretching and strength training. The author does not really help you pick a new sport, but explains why cross training is important. There are some suggested programs but this is more an introduction to cross training than a manual.

    You have to be dedicated to put the suggestions in the book to good use, but if you're not dedicated then you probably don't bother with this book anyway.

    It's a good book to have in your library, and the writing is good enough to read from cover to cover. But you will want a more focused book when you choose your xt sport, for example cycling.

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