Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon: How to Be Your Own Best Coach_Stephen McGregor;Matt Fitzgerald_2008

Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon: How to Be Your Own Best Coach
by Brad Hudson (Author), Matt Fitzgerald (Author)

Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Three Rivers Press; 1 edition (July 29, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0767928229
ISBN-13: 978-0767928229


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《Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon》简介:

Do you want to run faster? Are you trying to peak for a particular race? Would you like to find your true running potential? Brad Hudson, former Olympic Trials marathoner and current coach to Olympians like Dathan Ritzenhein, will show you the way in this practical, reader-friendly guide. Hudson is the most innovative running coach to come along in a generation. Until now, only a handful of elite athletes have been able to benefit from his methods. Now Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon shows all runners how to coach themselves as confidently and effectively as Brad coaches his world-class athletes. Becoming your own best coach is the ticket to running faster at any distance.
First you will learn to assess your abilities. Then you’ll learn how to devise a training program specifically geared to you. Filled with easy-to-follow sample training programs for distances ranging from the 5K to the marathon and abilities ranging from novice to advanced, Run Faster is the cutting-edge guide for optimal performance.
With Hudson’s guidance, you can train smarter and more effectively—and avoid injury. And you’ll soon be running faster than you ever thought possible!

《Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon》评价:

Working with Brad for the past three years has helped me get much stronger, allowing me to make it to the next level. Thanks to Brad’s training I can now compete with the best in the world every time I race.” —Dathan Ritzenhein, two-time Olympian

“Brad’s training has elevated my running to heights I daydreamed about as a high school kid. Not only is his training innovative, he’s a phenomenal motivator.” —James Carney, 2008 U.S.A. Half-Marathon Champion

“Brad understands the entire training package and all its components better than any coach I’ve worked with, athletically or professionally. Reading this book can help take you to the next level and keep pushing you up as far and fast as you want to go.” —Sarah Toland, former NCAA All-American, U.S.A. National Cross-Country Team member, and Olympic Trials qualifier for the 5,000 and 10,000

“Brad Hudson’s years of personal elite training experience, combined with his wide spectrum of training influences, has catapulted him into a class of American coaching that has typically consisted of archaic, iron-fisted coaching systems. He has the ability and openmindedness to return U.S. distance running to prominence.” —Casey Burchill, 28-minute 10K runner
About the Author
is the founder and coach of the Performance Training Group, a team of elite runners. He lives in Eugene, Oregon. MATT FITZGERALD has written many training guides for triathletes. He is a senior editor for Triathlete magazine and lives in San Diego, California.


《Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon》读者评论:

Format: Paperback
This is one of the best books ever written on running training. I'm a masters athlete racing mile, 5k and 10k and I think I've just about read them all -- Brad's is the clearest breakdown of what you need to do, and when, that I have ever read.

If you've struggled with Daniels and Noakes (great though they are), this is the book for you. I predict you will finally understand what you are doing!

What I loved about Brad's book is that he can explain thing so simply. In his system/no system he's got 12 most effective training methods and three - yes just 3 - basic types of training. I love it.

System/no system? Yes; the book's plan is kind of interactive. Brad insists that your schedule MUST be individualized. You need to read, absorb, plan, try stuff out -- and adjust according to the feedback you get, not just blindly follow tables of speed and distances. He gives all the tools you need to work things out.

Bear in mind, too, that Brad is not coming at this from an academic/theoretical point of view, but is a highly successful coach currently training Olympic-level runners.

Totally recommended. A caveat for fellow masters runners: the typeface is small and sans serif. It's a 278-page book that should probably be twice that size with a more readable typeface. It's the only book I've read for months for which I've had to dig out my reading glasses!


I've been running for over half my life, and just recently got into serious miles and marathon training. Tom Holland has an AWESOME book for people training for their first time marathon, and Brad Hudson/Matt Fitzgerald has an AWESOME book for getting faster and understanding HOW to get faster...for whatever race you are running. In my case it was a marathon. I ran my second marathon in 28.5 minutes FASTER that my first marathon only 3.5 monthes of serious training in between. Ok, so I'm not an elite runner, but I still went from a 5 hour marthon to a 4:30 marathon....and never thought I could EVER do that. In a little over 3 monthes.

This book is slightly confusing for someone like me that doesn't understand the lingo completely, but he gets to the point. Change it up, hit your hills, and LISTEN to your body in HOW you think you should train TODAY. He also has awesome training guides for pretty much any race you are training for. Really good guidlines. He recommends running EVERY day. BUT, his plans vary, depending on your time level...from 4 days a week to 7.

The ONLY thing I did NOT agree with was his statement that all his runners DID NOT lift weights. AND he didn't recommend it. WHAT?! I guess if you are an elite runner and that is ALL you care about...but in the real world, I care about my muscle tone! So, despite his thoughts on the subject, I still lifted at least twice a week, plus core work and flexiblity training.

But he does say to listen to your body and train in a way that you become your own coach. So, I guess I didn't go too far from his coaching.

If you are looking for something to motivate you to run faster and train harder, buy this book. I bought it on kindle and wish I had the book cuz the charts are really hard to read, but sometimes it is just hard to wait for that one thing you know is going to get you going....NOW!!!


I have been running for two years and have read a few books about running, primarily beginner running books. This book does offer some good advice about training as a whole. But I think it is more geared to the serious and / or competitive runner rather than just the casual runner. For the record I typically run 5k races in the Spring, Summer, and Fall, and my times are generally in the 25-27 minute range.

The approach offered as a whole will help me. I really feel like I'm "training" now rather than going out for a run. Varying the running distances, speeds, and hill / strength training has already boosted my performance after three weeks.

But I just found the whole "adaptive" running thing, that is to run how you feel, to be impracticle. I think it may be good advice for a college athlete or someone with a lot of time on their hands. But if you're a working professional like me, you have about 45 minutes a day to work with. I've got to get certain workouts in on certain days. Also, I'm more of a routined person. I like to do certain things on certain days.

I just found the overall tone of this book to be much more geared toward the true running junkie, the ones who run the 5k in 16 minutes, versus the casually competitive runners like myself. Some of the training recommendations are great, I just didn't have a use for about 3/4's of this book.

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