Runner's World Running on Air: The Revolutionary Way to Run Better by Breathing Smarter_Budd Coates,Claire Kowalchik_2013

Runner's World Running on Air: The Revolutionary Way to Run Better by Breathing Smarter
作者:Budd Coates,Claire Kowalchik 
出版社: Rodale Books (2013年4月9日)
平装: 288页
语种: 英语
ISBN: 1609619196

Runner's World Running on Air 简体中文版:

跑步时该如何呼吸(Running on Air 简体中文版)_Budd Coates、Claire Kowalchik_2014

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Runner's World Running on Air 简介:

Renowned running coach Budd Coates presents Runner's World Running on Air, a revolutionary yet simple training method based on rhythmic breathing to help runners at all experience levels improve their performance, prevent injury, and experience the joy of running. Validating his method through a mix of accessible science, Eastern philosophy, and the experiences of test subjects, Coates shows readers how focusing on their breathing brings their minds and bodies into harmony and helps them run stronger, faster, and more comfortably.

Rhythmic breathing increases lung volume; improves awareness and control; helps prevent injury and side stitches; improves running for those with asthma; allows runners to quickly set a pace for quality training and racing; and helps athletes manage muscle cramps. This book reviews the basics of rhythmic breathing, teaching readers how to perform it while walking and, eventually, while running. Weeklong sample schedules from different programs shows readers how to apply the rhythmic breathing scale to any workout. Coates also touches on the importance of stretching, cross-training, and core training and provides detailed training plans and schedules.


Budd Coates has an MS in physical education/exercise physiology and is a Runner’s World Coach, a 2:13 marathoner, and a four-time qualifier for the US Marathon Olympic Trials. He lives in Emmaus, PA.

Claire Kowalchik is the author of The Complete Book of Running for Women and a writer/editor with twenty-plus years of experience. She lives in Emmaus, PA

Mark Houde
I've been running for 24 years (I'm 56) with a 2/2 nasal breathing rhythm, switching to 2/2 mouth breathing at around 7 minutes per mile pace.

The questions in my mind started to pile up as I attempted the prescribed breathing rhythm. The 3/2 rhythm (much less 2/1) felt like I was hyperventilating and did not give me a complete exhale unless I did an energy wasting bellows breath.

I relax my core/diaphragm on the inhale and tighten my core/diaphragm on exhale to force all of the air out so I perceive my weakest foot plant to be on inhale, not exhale.

For me, the saving grace of this book was an obscure reference to Body, Mind and Sport. Thanks to John Doulliard I now am clipping along with a 4/7 nasal breathing rhythm at a fat burning and calming 12 breaths per minute for training and 20 BPM for paces closer to 6:00 minutes per mile.

Runner's World Running on Air 书籍评论:

E. Gill 
The basic idea of the book boils down to two concepts: 3:2 and 2:1 breathing patterns -- alternate feet on the exhale. The rest is substantiation with irrelevant "runner profile" sections. I am not wholly disappointed, though, because the two concepts are extremely useful, and validating to something I had already done in my running prior to reading the book. I give it so few stars because he could have done better. For example, there is NO discussion of nasal breathing. How can you have a book on running and breathing and not address this issue? Second, the runner profiles don't really mean anything; they just seem like filler. The workouts, and the other stuff (stretching, strength training) wander away from the central thesis and it just becomes another book with canned workout routines. I skipped all that, and it is literally most of the book. I was looking for something that was more substantive on the science behind rhythmic/intentional breathing and its physiologic benefits. Unfortunately, that book remains to be written.

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