
    第一,需要确定你的胸部底围(band size)。拿一个测量软尺,测量刚好在你乳房之下的胸廓/肋骨腔尺码(均匀的围绕着胸廓测量)。软尺要尽量靠近乳房最底部,但不应该勒地太紧。测量出实际数字后取个整数,然后再加上5英寸,得到你的底围数。如果你计算出的底围数是一个奇数,就进到下一偶数数值上。例如,如果你底围测量出来是30英寸,当你加5英寸后,你得到35英寸的数值,由奇数进到偶数,那么你购买文胸的底围应当是36英寸。
    第二,测量你胸部峰围(bust size)。软尺松弛地围绕着你乳房最丰满/最高点处测量,记得测量时软尺要保持水平。你将得到你的峰围数。
    第三,你将要把你底围和峰围数进行比较,抽取得出你的杯罩尺码(cup size)。将底围和峰围数值进行比较,如果两个数值之间相差1英寸,你就应当是A杯罩;2英寸是B杯罩;3英寸是C杯罩;4英寸是D杯罩;5英寸是DD杯罩。例如,假如你的峰围是38英寸、底围是36英寸,两个数值一比较,相差2英寸,那么你应当穿着B杯罩的文胸。
    A proper fitting sports bra minimizes movement of your chest, feels snap comfortable, and doesn't irritate your chest skin. To crack determine your bra size, all these three easy steps. First, you need to find your band size. With measuring tape, measuring ? evenly around your ribcage just below your breast. The tape should feels top but not restrictive. Round this number to the neariest ? number and add 5 inches. If you get odd number, round up to next even number. For example, if your band size measures 30 inches, then you add 5 inches, you get 35 inches which is odd number. So you round up to 36 inches. Next, you need to find your bust size. Measure loosely around the fullest part of your breast, remembering to keep the tape even. You will extract your band size from your bust size, to find your cup size. If the difference between the numbers is one inch, then you were A cup, 2 inches is a B cup,3 inches
    C cup, 4 inches a D cup, 5 inches a double D cup. For example, say your bust measuring is 38 inches, you extract 36 inches from 38 inches, and get 2 inches which is B cup.