Running for Beginners_ImagineBookazines_2012介绍页见:
    Running for Beginners_ImagineBookazines_2012

    Running for Beginners_ImagineBookazines_2012.pdf电子书籍信息:

    ISBN: 9781908222640 | 197MB | 176页

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    其他版本Running for Beginners下载见:

    Running for Beginners 2nd Revised Edition_ImagineBookazines_2014.pdf

    Running for Beginners 5th Revised Edition_ImagineBookazines_2015.pdf



    Running for Beginners目录:

    Getting started
    - All you need to know to get out and running today, with advise on kit, nutrition, stretching and preventing injury from the outset.

    Health & Fitness
    - Whether you want to lose weight, get fit or both, then we have all of the tips and tricks that you need to succeed in your goals, from the importance of carbs to advice on running surfaces.

    - We explore the different ways that you can train and how they can help you to reach your running goals quickly, as well as including a 5K training plan.

    - Why you should consider racing, entering your first race, running for charity and being prepared when you get to the start line. From training schedules, to how to stay motivated, we've got it all covered to get you to the finish line.

    Also inside...
    - Top 20 tips for new runners
    - Everything you need to know
    - Essential kit
    - Walk/run technique
    - Warming up and cooling down
    - Stay safe on the road
    - Beginner’s advice for nutrition and hydration
    - Fit running into your life
    - Common running injuries

    Health & Fitness
    - The benefits of running
    - Are you fit to run? Essential health checks
    - Prevent common injuries
    - Diet tips for runners
    - The importance of carbohydrates
    - Beat the bulge
    - Different surfaces and their fitness benefits
    - Running for women

    - Types of training
    - Perfect running form
    - Indoors vs outdoors: which is best?
    - Other exercises to complement running
    - Interval training
    - Post-injury running
    - Overtraining and the risks
    - How to properly recover after a run

    - Racing for beginners
    - Follow a race training plan
    - Staying motivated
    - Get ready for your first race
    - Being prepared
    - Pace your race
    - Running for charity
    - Different types of races

    Essential gear
    - Running gadgets
    - Men’s trainers
    - Women’s trainers
    - Tops
    - Bottoms
    - Jackets
    - Accessories
    - GPS watches
    - First-aid essentials
    - Where to buy

    - Location inspiration
    - Weight loss inspiration
    - Why I run… New runner explains their progress
    - A real runner shares their tips

    - New runner FAQs
    - Fitness FAQs
    - Training FAQs
    - First race FAQs
    - Gear & kit FAQs


