
    FlexBar® Reverse Twist for Golfers Elbow - This exercise helps medial epicondylitis, or "Golfers Elbow"

    A. Grasp FlexBar® exerciser with the injured side, bending your elbow and holding the bar parallel to the ground.
    B. Lift the elbow of your un-injured side upward and rotate your forearm so your palm faces away from you.
    B 抬起健侧手肘,前臂内旋 掌心朝外反握赛乐棒另一端。
    C. Grasp the other end of the FlexBar with the un-injured hand facing away from you and pointing downward
    C 健侧手握紧赛乐棒向上旋转
    D. Twist the FlexBar with the hand on the un-injured side as you stabilize with the injured-side hand
    D 患侧保持不动 健侧扭动赛乐棒
    E. Hold both wrists steady as you extend both elbows in front of you. The wrist on your injured side should be flexed toward you and the other wrist extended.
    E 手腕保持不动,双肘向前伸直 ,患侧手腕保持弯曲 健侧手腕伸直
    F. Slowly release the FlexBar with your injured side while maintaining tension with the uninjured side
    F 健侧保持不动,控制患侧用力,使赛乐棒慢慢回到非扭曲状态
    Repeat 10-15 times up to 3 times a day. Begin with the red FlexBar and progress to the next color when you can easily perform 3 sets of 15. Use ice or Biofreeze for any soreness.
    每天做三组 每组重复10-15次
    开始使用红色训练棒 若能轻松完成三组动作,可换成下一阶颜色训练。如果发生急性损伤,可使用冰块或者Biofreeze治疗。

