
    在SHAPE网站上的一篇“Science of Ab Workout Routines”文章中提到四个训练腹部的迷思中,第三个迷思就是跟这个问题有关?

    Exercise Myths: #3You need different workout routines to target your upper and lower abdominals.

    TruthThe upper and lower abs aren’t two separate muscles, but rather one long sheath of muscle (called therectus abdominis) that runs from just beneath your chest down to your pelvis. Any exercise that works the lower part of the muscle will affect the upper portion, too. Our study found the EMG responses almost the same for the upper and lower portions of the muscle regardless of the area we were trying to target.

    事实上,上腹与下腹不是分开来的肌肉群,而是一长状的肌肉群,称为“腹直肌(Rectus Abdominis)”,从胸部至骨盆。任何会训练到下腹的动作同时也会影响到上腹的部份。研究发现,透过肌电图(EMG)测得到的反应,不管你训练是哪个部位,上腹与下腹得到的反应几乎是一样的。


