The Beginning Runner's Journal: Based on the Walk/Run Program in the Bestselling Beginning Runner's Handbook_Dr. Laura G. Farres;SportMedBC_2003_跑步书籍第0786本_附简介总结|笔记摘录|PDF电子书下载

The Beginning Runner's Journal: Based on the Walk/Run Program in the Bestselling Beginning Runner's Handbook_Dr. Laura G. Farres;SportMedBC_2003

The Beginning Runner's Journal: Based on the Walk/Run Program in the Bestselling Beginning Runner's Handbook
by Dr. Laura G. Farres (Author), SportMedBC (Author)

Paperback: 186 pages
Publisher: Greystone Books (February 28, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1550549650
ISBN-13: 978-1550549652
