Marla Runyan_1992年巴塞罗那残疾人奥运会5枚金牌得主 - 美国田径运动员-人物百科-跑步百科

Marla Runyan_1992年巴塞罗那残疾人奥运会5枚金牌得主 - 美国田径运动员

Date of Birth: Saturday, 04 January 1969 | Born in:  / Nationality: United States of America 

Meet the extraordinary athlete and runner Marla Runyan. Diagnosed blind after contracting Stargardt's Disease. Winner of 5 Gold medals in the 1992 Barcelona Para Olympics’. The first disabled woman to compete in the 2000 Summer Olympic Games. In 2002 Marla held three US 1500m running titles and was No1 in the US for the 5000m and marathon. Author of "No Finish Line: My Life as I See It" and ambassador for the Perkins School for the Blind.
"We all have disabilities whether it’s a physical disability or not.” Marla Runyan


  举世瞩目的第29届北京奥运会,在欢呼胜利和一片赞扬声中,非常圆满地落下了帷幕,它将在现代奥林匹克运动的历史上写下了不可磨灭的新篇章,实现了中国承 诺的举办一届具有中国特色的高水平的奥运会。它对于我国国际地位的提高和使全球更好地了解中国,以及推动我国各项事业的加速发展,都有着不可估量的积极作 用。仅以奥运会开幕式就有220个国家的45亿人观看,它的影响是任何其他国际活动所不可比拟的。


