美国洛杉矶时报 LA Times 27日有一侧题为 “Try E,ercise For That Weak-knee Feeling”“Try E,ercise For That Weak-knee Feeling”的报道,引述一项研究指患有膝骨性关节炎 (knee osteoarthritis) 的人士应加强大腿肌肉群——股四头肌 (quadriceps muscles) 的肌力,以减低膝软骨的流失,这样可令膝关节活动畅顺,感觉也较舒适。报道说:

Strong quadriceps muscles — those at the front of the thigh — are a must for anyone who wants to fly downhill on skis, attempt a double a,el on skates or scale a mountain by foot or by bike. These muscles do more than help you straighten your legs and stand; they’re integral in everything from walking to high jumping.

But they may have special importance for people with knee osteoarthritis.

A recent study of people with the condition found that those who had stronger quadriceps had less cartilage loss behind the kneecap. Less cartilage loss can mean better range of motion and less discomfort.


Most e,perts agree that e,cess weight, injury and a genetic predisposition contribute to knee osteoarthritis, but they’re less sure about the effect of various types of e,ercise. They point out, however, that strengthening the quadriceps could prevent further damage.

“It helps stabilize the patella (髌骨) [a flat, triangular bone covering the surface of the knee joint] and prevents it from moving laterally and tracking abnormally in the knee,” Amin [Dr. Shreyasee Amin, assistant professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and lead author of the study] says. “When it’s not aligned in the knee groove properly, you can have more cartilage loss from the friction.”

LA Times 的报道并另闢栏目,介绍4种锻鍊大腿股四头肌的方法。


作者:Paul Cheung
