Meb Keflezighi_雅典马拉松亚军_2014年波士顿马拉松冠军-马拉松210运动员-人物百科-跑步百科

Meb Keflezighi_雅典马拉松亚军_2014年波士顿马拉松冠军-马拉松210运动员

全名: Mebrahtom R. "Meb" Keflezighi
身高:170 cm
体重:57 kg)
出生: 1975年5月5日,厄立特里亚(位于非洲东北部)
住址:Mammoth Lakes, California
联盟: Nike, Beaverton (USA)
经纪人:Merhawi Keflezighi
俱乐部:New York Athletic Club (NYAC)
家庭成员:妻子Yordanos;三个女儿Sara, Fiyori, and Yohana.

Pete Pfitzinger-杰出的马拉松运动员与跑步科学教练-跑步教练-人物百科-跑步百科

Pete Pfitzinger-杰出的马拉松运动员与跑步科学教练-跑步教练

Pete Pfitzinger 简要信息:

全名: Peter Dickson "Pete" Pfitzinger
身高: 5-8.5 (174 cm)
体重:132 lbs (60 kg)
住址:Pittsford, New York, United States
职业时期效力单位:TeamNew Balance(看配图~)
个人最佳成绩: 2 英里– 0:8:47.2i (1980); 5000米 – 0:14:04.0i (1980); 10000米 – 28:41.50 (1986); 半程马拉松- 1:03:14; 马拉松– 2-11:43 (1984).

Luke Humphrey- Hansons Marathon Method 作者-马拉松SUB215运动员-人物百科-跑步百科

Luke Humphrey- Hansons Marathon Method 作者-马拉松SUB215运动员-人物百科-跑步百科

Luke Humphrey 简介:

Luke Humphrey has been a member of the Hanson's Brooks-Distance Project since 2004. As a professional runner, he has finished in the Top 15 in the Boston (11th place, 2006), New York City (11th, 2009), and Chicago Marathon (12th 2010). Luke has run 2:14 in the marathon and has qualified for three Olympic Trials in the marathon. Besides a national class marathon runner, Luke owns Hanson's Coaching Services and does yearly training clinics teaching the Hansons Marathon Method. Luke also holds an M.S. in Exercise Science from Oakland University and is a certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine.

Luke Humphrey 出版书籍:

Hansons Marathon Method: A Renegade Path to Your Fastest Marathon_Luke Humphrey_2012

Hansons Marathon Method: A Renegade Path to Your Fastest Marathon_Luke Humphrey_2012


[书摘] 睡眠不仅影响运动后的体能恢复,影响往后训练的表现

在美国ESPN推荐书籍“The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery: Rest, Relax, and Restore for Peak Performance”第8篇“Sleep(睡眠)”,谈到了睡眠不仅能帮助你运动训练后的身体恢复(复原)之外,也影响到你下接来运动或训练的表现状况。山姆伯伯带大家来看一看啰!
