Scott Ludwig_Darksider跑步俱乐部创始人_跑量超13万英里超级马拉松选手、跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Scott Ludwig_Darksider跑步俱乐部创始人_跑量超13万英里超级马拉松选手、跑步作家


Scott Ludwig 简介:

Scott has run every single day since November 20, 1978 and he currently has the 35th longest streak in the U.S. He has run 200 marathons, over 800 races, and accumulated over 130,000 miles in his lifetime.
He began running ultra-marathons early in his running career, his first belong a 50-miler in 1982. In time he would run ultras ranging from 31 miles to 135 miles. In 2002, Scott ran 129 miles in the U.S. National 24-Hour Championships and won the masters national championship. In 1992 he ran 280 miles in six days, from the west side to the east side of the state of Georgia, to raise money for charity.







Sam Murphy_女性跑步书籍畅销书作家_Runner's World专栏作者-跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Sam Murphy_女性跑步书籍畅销书作家_Runner's World专栏作者-跑步作家-人物百科

Sam Murphy is a freelance journalist and personal training consultant. She has written for The Sunday Times, Independent, Evening Standard and the Guardian, among others. She also writes a regular fitness column and is the author of Run for Life (Kyle Cathie). She is an avid runner and practices yoga, strength training and surfs regularly.

Timothy Noakes_Lore of Running作者 - 跑步教练、跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Timothy Noakes_Lore of Running作者 - 跑步教练、跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Known throughout the academic community for the high-caliber nature of his scientific insights and work, Dr. Timothy Noakes is Discovery Health professor of exercise and sport science at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. He is also director of the Medical Research Council/University of Cape Town Research Unit for Exercise Science and Sports Medicine at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa in Newlands. Noakes was awarded a doctorate in science (DSc) in 2002, the highest degree awarded by the University of Cape Town. Publishing the first scientific article on exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH) is considered among his greatest achievements.

Matt Fitzgerald_运动营养学专家_Runner's World书籍作者-跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Matt Fitzgerald_运动营养学专家_Runner's World书籍作者-跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

His first job at a fastfood restaurant, what!
What got him hooked on running
His amazing dad. Author, Navy Seal, and more.
How a famous Ethiopian marathoner inspired him
The importance of leading by example
Dr Suess’s influence on his life and career
His 2009 Boston Marathon experience, story of failure/adversity
How de developed a passion for testing his limits
Why aerobic development is important, specifically
How he finds a theme song for every event
He teaches us how to visualize better

Scott Douglas-Runner's World 资深内容编辑-跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Scott Douglas-Runner's World 资深内容编辑-跑步作家

Scott Douglas 简介:

Scott Douglas 是Runner's World资深内容编辑。出版了7本跑步书籍。

Scott Douglas 网址:

Runner's World 的专栏页面:

George A. Sheehan_乔治•希恩_乔治•席翰-跑步界的导师、思想者、哲学家-人物百科-跑步百科

George A. Sheehan_乔治希恩-跑步界的导师和思想者-人物百科-跑步百科

George A. Sheehan_乔治希恩简介:








为香港传媒做自由记者,文字见《明报》、《信报》、《南华早报》、《亚洲周刊》及 CUP Magazine。三十岁前夕,跑了十个马拉松及四个毅行者,连同无数次半马和十公里,人生累积里数逾一千公里。一直相信,马拉松不应只有隔音屏障、高速公路。希望有生之年,香港马拉松会路经尖东海旁、皇后大道,沿途有市民夹道鼓掌欢迎、有摊档供应港式奶茶和点心,慢一点的跑手,都可以跑到终点,不必担心被赶上车。

Roy M. Wallack-自行车与跑步训练专业教练、作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Roy M. Wallack-自行车与跑步训练专业教练、作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Roy M. Wallack has survived the Eco-Challenge, the Soviet Union by bike, and some of the world's toughest two-wheel events. He is the author of The Traveling Cyclist and several running and fitness books, a former editor at Bicycle Guide, California Bicyclist, and Triathlete magazines, a longtime sports-gear columnist and health-features writer for the Los Angeles Times. He also covers cycling, fitness, longevity, triathlon, running, MMA, and sports trends for many national magazines. Calling himself "a religious man who believes in the Holy Trinity of road, mountain, and tandem," Roy has traveled the world by bike and spent much of his career writing about them. He lives with his family next to the bike path in Irvine, California.

Barefoot Ken Bob Saxton-赤脚跑步大师-人物百科-跑步百科

Barefoot Ken Bob Saxton-赤脚跑步大师-人物百科-跑步百科

Ken Bob Saxton is the leading instructor of barefoot running in the country, featured on ABC World News (2005), NPR, Runner's World magazine, The New York Times, and many other newspapers, magazines, radio, and television appearances/mentions locally and around the world, as well as being acknowledged as the "great bearded sage" of barefoot running in the bestsellerBorn to Run, by Chris McDougall, who calls Ken Bob "The Master of Barefoot Running."

T. J. Murphy-Unbreakable Runner 作者-铁人三项畅销书籍作家-人物百科-跑步百科

T. J. Murphy-Unbreakable Runner 作者-铁人三项畅销书籍作家-人物百科-跑步百科

T.J. Murphy Biography
T.J. Murphy got his start in publishing as an assistant editor for Triathlete Magazine in 1996, when the magazine was located near the corner of Mission and 2nd in downtown San Francisco. Before then he had held a series of jobs that weirdly enough turned out to be an education of sorts that he has since drawn upon: Bike messenger, sports massage therapist, running shoe sales guy and an unpaid position as an assistant running coach for the Golden Gate Triathlon club. His magazine career, thus far, has included time as the editor-in-chief for Triathlete Magazine and also Inside Triathlon. He has also served as editorial director for Competitor Magazine. He recalls earnestly that none of this would have been possibly had he not survived his time on staff at the Special T Bike Messenger service.

Christopher McDougall_克里斯托弗•麦克杜格尔_克里斯多福•麦杜格-Born to Run(天生就会跑)作者-跑步作家-人物百科-跑步百科

Christopher McDougall_克里斯托弗•麦克杜格尔_克里斯多福•麦杜格-Born to Run(天生就会跑)作者-跑步作家 01

Christopher McDougall 个人网站:http://www.chrismcdougall.com

克里斯托弗•麦克杜格尔(Christopher McDougall),美国作家。毕业于哈佛大学,后入美联社担任记者,赴安哥拉、刚果和卢旺达报道战事。返美后为《户外》、《纽约时报》、《跑步者世界》等刊物撰稿。曾三度入围全美杂志报道奖。


来源:天生就会跑(Born to Run 简体中文版)_克里斯托弗•麦克杜格尔 (Christopher McDougall)、严冬冬译_2012

Nicholas Romanov_尼可拉斯·罗曼诺夫-Pose Method Running姿势跑法发明者-运动科学家-人物百科-跑步百科

Nicholas Romanov_尼可拉斯·罗曼诺夫-Pose Method Running发明者-运动科学家

Nicholas Romanov(尼可拉斯·罗曼诺夫博士)(美)

Pose Method Running 姿势跑法发明者。

奥林匹克国家队教练。现为俄罗斯铁人三项国家队队员进行指导。曾带领英国铁人三项国家队参加2000年悉尼奥运会、2004年雅典奥运会。2012年,他的弟子、俄罗斯残奥会运动员叶莲娜·伊凡诺娃(Elena Ivanova)获得3枚金牌。

Hal Higdon_霍尔·希格登 美国记者与作家协会终身成就奖获得者-跑步教练-人物百科-跑步百科

Hal Higdon_霍尔·希格登 美国记者与作家协会终身成就奖获得者-跑步教练

HAL HIGDON(美)霍尔·希格登



Roy Benson_罗伊.班森 - Precision Running 作者 - 跑步教练 -跑步人物百科

Coach Benson at Green Mountain Running

罗伊.班森(Roy Benson)


曾经担任NIKE与POLAR的心率训练顾问,并以心率训练为主题出版了三本着作。他是《跑步时光》(Running Times)杂志和《跑步期刊》(Running Journal)杂志的特殊贡献者。他的《精准跑步》(Precision Running)一书总共被翻译成七种语言,并在全世界销售超过20万本。


Roy T. Benson, MPE, CFI, is an exercise scientist and distance-running coach. He has run competitively for more than 40 years, and he has coached professionally for 46 years for military, club, university, and high school teams. From 1993 to 2008, his boys' and girls' cross country teams at Marist High School in Atlanta, Georgia, won a total of 16 state championships and his cross country and track runners won 21 individual state titles.

Benson has been a consultant about heart rate training for both Polar and Nike and has written three books for runners on the subject. He also serves as a special contributor to Running Times magazine and has been a contributing editor for Running Journal magazine. Benson lives on Amelia Island, Florida.



中文名 欧阳靖
国 籍 中国
出生地 台湾
出生日期 1983年9月7日
代表作品 《美丽佳人》、《钱柜》等



