2011年B.A.A. Boston Marathon (波士顿马拉松),肯亚的Geoffrey Mutai和Moses Mosop在激烈的竞争中,跑出2:03:02及2:03:06的惊人成绩,分居一、二名,这个成绩不只打破波马的场地纪录,甚至比Haile Gebrselassie的世界纪录2:03:59快了将近一分钟!

    就在众人争相转告此劲爆的消息,并讨论着世界纪录何时会打破2小时大关的同时,IAAF发出了新闻稿,恭喜Geoffrey Mutai跑出此佳绩,这是目前为止世界最快的马拉松成绩,但!... 这并没有打破世界纪录?!
    "A strong wind from the southwest coupled with cool temperatures provided a magic carpet ride today for athletes competing in the 115th Boston Marathon, culminating in the fastest Marathon ever run. ......But due to theelevation dropandpoint-to-point measurementsof the Boston course,performances are not eligible for World record consideration."
    循着IAAF的新闻稿,我马上翻了最新田径规则,在"Section X, Rule 260.28"中,看到了关于世界纪录的採计规定:
    For World Records in Road Running Events:
    (a)The course must be measured by an “A” or “B” grade IAAF/AIMS approved measurer as defined in Rule 117.
    (b)The start and finish points of a course, measured along a theoretical straight line between them, shall not be further apart than 50% of the race distance.
    (c)The overall decrease in elevation between the start and finish shall not exceed 1:1000, i.e. 1m per km.
    (d)Either the course measurer who measured the course or another “A” or “B” grade measurer in possession of the complete measurement data and maps must validate that the course measured was the course run, normally by riding in the lead vehicle.
    (e)The course must be verified (i.e. re-measured) as late as possible before the race, on the day of the race or as soon as practical after the race, preferably by a different “A” or “B” grade measurer from the one that did the original measurement.
    (f)World Records in Road Running Events set at intermediate distances within a race must comply with the conditions set
    under Rule 260. The intermediate distances must have been measured and marked during the course measurement and must have been verified in accordance with Rule 260.28(e).
    (g)For the Road Relay, the race shall be run in stages of 5km, 10km, 5km, 10km, 5km, 7.195km. The stages must have been measured and marked during the course measurement with a tolerance of ±1% of the stage distance and must have been verified in accordance with Rule 260.28(e).
    按照IAAF的解释,这次的成绩不算破世界纪录的原因有两点。第一点是波士顿马拉松的路线不符合上列规定的 (b):“路跑赛的起点和终点间直线距离,不可超过赛事总距离的50%”也就是说,全程马拉松42.195km为例,比赛起点和终点间的直线距离不可超过21.0975km。这个问题在起终点一样的比赛中不会遇到,但波士顿马拉松的路线是将近一直线的从起点Hopkinton跑向终点Boston,很显然的直线距离不符规定。
    除了起终点距离的问题,波马还不符上列规定的 (c):“起点和终点间的海拔下降,不可超过1:1000”以全马来说42.195km的千分之一就是42.195m,这是为了避免下坡太多的赛事,和其他海拔变化不多的赛事相比,有不公平的争议。而不幸的是波马的起点Hopkinton海拔高度约149m (490feet),终点Boston海拔高度约3m (10feet),相差了146m,超过标准三倍以上。
    因为这两个因素,Geoffrey Mutai的2:03:02无法成为新的世界纪录。虽然有点可惜,但这些严谨的规定,也是为了让马拉松的世界纪录维持公平及公正性。路跑赛不像田径赛,能够在统一标准的体育场内进行,每场路跑赛的举办地点、海拔、路面状况、路线走向等等都不同,如何要让这些不同的赛事成绩能相互比较,就必需制订一些统一化的规定。
    这就要稍微提到些路跑的发展史了。IAAF对世界纪录的规定,大约是在近10年左右才陆续修订,新的赛事会尽量参考此规定,来规划适当路线,但波士顿马拉松可是从1897年开始,举办了超过100年以上的世界历史最久远的马拉松,自从1925年将起点从Ashland移到Hopkinton后,这条路线已经持续了86年,其历史意义难以言喻。而且虽然波马的起终点海拔差高达146m,但这并不是笔直一路往下降,中间还是穿插不少上坡,其中在30km左右的陡上坡,正好在马拉松竞赛最容易发生撞墙期的地方,因此被跑者们封了个"Heartbreak Hill"的名号。历年波马的成绩表现,通常都比其他国际赛事的平均成绩慢个1至2分钟,在一般人的印象里,并不觉得波马是个容易创佳绩的赛事。
    只是今年Geoffrey Mutai和Moses Mosop在绝佳的气候条件,以及众多的顶尖跑者互相竞争激励下,“幸运地?”成为戳中IAAF规定模煳地带的第一人(及第二人),目前在IAAF的成绩榜里还看不到2011年波士顿马拉松的成绩,他们大概正为了历年排名的前两名比世界纪录快了将近一分钟这件事情该怎么处理而头大吧。
    撰文者: 臺湾长跑竞技网 JY