




    怎么处理呢?一跑到终点,就先喝600cc的加了90公克红糖的糖水,再补充14克的蛋白质,之后马上伸展让肌放松,晚饭后再按摩三十分钟,利用“按”压肌肉的trigger point,使过于紧绷的肌肉放松。洗完澡,按压完后脚的感觉就像刚和家人到六福村边走边排队回到家坐在沙发上的感觉一样。



    主要是採用Chris Carmichael(前环法冠军阿姆斯壮的营养师)的专书:《Food For Fitness—Eat right to Train Right》中的理论。下面是摘自书中的部分内容,给你参考:


    (国峰译自Chris Carmichael:《Food For Fitness—Eat right to Train Right》,Penguin Group, 2004, page 36)

    【峰按】:除了过渡期之外,Chris Carmichael所设定的碳水化合物 : 蛋白质都是5:1。过渡期补充更多比例的蛋白质是为了让身体恢复,因为训练量没那么多,所以碳水化合物也不用补那么多。

    【中标】Nutrition After Training / Competition

    Paying attention to what you eat after a training session or a race is critical in maximizing recovery. This is especially important in the first 15 to 60 minutes after exercise, because your body is most efficient at replenishing energy stores during this “glycogen window.” I always tell athletes that they will eventually recover even if they do nothing to enhance the process, but they may have to wait 48 to 72 hours for their bodies to replenish depleted muscle-glycogen stores. Optimizing the rapid re-synthesis of muscle glycogen is critical for peak performance the next day and those following.

    The rate of muscle-glycogen synthesis is highest immediately after exercise; your muscles are empty and blood flow is still high. This is the optimal time to consume carbohydrate-rich foods. … …. Think of it as having more “windows” open into the muscle. The longer you wait after a training session, the fewer of these windows will be open to transport fuel back into your muscles. When you want to have energy for exercise on back-to-back days, take advantage of these windows to accelerate the recovery process. (Chris Carmichael:《Food For Fitness—Eat right to Train Right》,Penguin Group, 2004, page 209-210)


    The protein may affect the rate at which this replenishment occurs, but adequate carbohydrate is necessary to completely refill glycogen stores.

    There has been a lot research on the combination of protein and carbohydrate in recovery drinks, and Kathy Zawadzki did some of the early work on the subject. Recent research suggests that protein ingested in the immediate post-exercise window(15 to 60 minutes) may help the absorption of carbohydrates and may also aid in stimulating amino-acid transport, protein synthesis, and muscle-tissue repair.

    ……..research has shown that there is no different in recovery between liquid supplements and a “real food” meal, so long as the carbohydrate content is the same.(Chris Carmichael:《Food For Fitness—Eat right to Train Right》,Penguin Group, 2004, page 210-211)


